carryover heat, explain

Can someone explain to me how carryover heat works. I am told that if you put something in the oven at say 350, when you remove it, the food will gain another 10-12 degrees of heat. Where does this hear come from? I can understand the food cooking still from the remaining heat already there, but if you remove it from the oven and there is no additional heat input, where does this 10-12 degress come from?

You stick the thermometer in the center of the meat to find the lowest temperature. When you remove the meat from the oven the outside and inside will reach equilibrium over time; i.e., the outside will become cooler and the inside warmer.

I’m not sure I follow you. It’s not possible for something to become hotter than its environment without additional energy being dissipated in it. The hottest something can get in a 350 F oven is (surprise!) 350 F. After removing it from the oven it will immediately begin to cool towards the room temperature. Now, it’s possible for the temperature in the center to continue to rise after removal, as heat slowly conducts through the item. How much it does depends on the thermal conductivity of the food , its shape and dimensions, and how long it was in the oven, mainly.

QED you just gots to cook a bit more often.

Dan Blather pegged it. This isn’t a science experiment, it’s culinary arts. The energy imparted to the consumable mass is distributed in a log-decay function to the remaining edibles. While in the oven, the temperature of the roasting enclosure was sufficient to caramelize the enclosing marinade but yet allowed the deepest parts of the flesh to remain tender and of low temperature.

In other words, when the cookbook says let the turkey or roast stand for fifteen minutes, LET IT! It’s still cooking.

There’s a difference? Hell, the only kitchen experiment I think I haven’t tried is the Leidenfrost one, and that’s 'cause I’ve got gas instead of electric in my apartment.

I said that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes you did.

That “log-decay function” comment was quite impressive but unless s/he can demostrate a log-increase function, then I’m with you.


I thought it was called carryover cooking. That solves your ‘heat’ problem, does it not?
