cars difficult to buy????

this is for the person that asked “why is it difficult to buy a car”. car salesmen pushy?what you need to do my friends is go visit your local SATURN retailer. we will help you find the car that you want. no hassles no constant calling no pressure. we dont need to push people into cars. why?? because we have a 30 day, 1500 mile money back guarantee on all our new cars. why should we push, if you can bring the car back in a month. it’s like a 30 day test drive. check us out on the web we will make your car buying experience a fun and enjoyable one.

Link to the article: Why is buying cars so unpleasant?

We can expand that point a bit – obviously, if you walk in to a car dealer and are willing to pay the price that they first name without haggling – as with Saturns – the process is not necessarily unpleasant. Of course, you’re paying a price for not having to haggle, whether you are buying a Saturn or any other vehicle.

I would also like to add a reminder that we do not allow commercials here in general, but I am allowing this post to remain because the comments are pertinent to the Mailbag response.

[Note: This message has been edited by CKDextHavn]