Cars flying Ukrainian flag reported vandalized in Toronto

Looking at the Ukrainian flag, it would not be difficult to sew from blue and yellow fabric from a crafts store.

It just seems odd that anyone who lived in Canada would be able to continue with those beliefs. They’re in a NATO country, one that is supposedly completely evil and making Ukraine do all these things. And Putin-controlled media is much less prominent, with much greater access to more accurate media.

You’d think people who bought that much into it would have never left Russia at all. And that any who did would want to keep it on the downlow. My first instinct was not that these were actual Russian sympathizers.

Oh we have Russian sympathizers, many of whom have never been to Russia, and know very little about Russia. They mainly love autocratic dictators, and think that it’s “manly” to aggressively attack another country. There is also significant overlap with white supremacists (and our recent “convoy” anti government lunatics)

I walked passed a guy at Yonge and St. Clair yesterday who was selling Ukrainian flags out of his van. Must have had hundreds of them.

That just frustrates me even more! :wink:

Anyway,. thanks to various folks for the suggestions, but since I’ve already bought and paid for two car flags, I may as well just wait it out. Due to the fact that the vendor is a fucking liar, however, when they say “ships from Canada” they mean “ships from Shenzhen via China Post” and it will take 1 to 2 weeks.

People also forget there’s a nunber of loony far left people who think the Azov Battalion represents the entire Ukraine government and people who support Ukraine are secret Fascists.

Also the “Both sides bad” people, who don’t put much thought into anything beyond that.

I remember hearing that Future Bakery in Toronto was vandalized a few weeks ago. Apparently it happened again more recently

I’ve always preferred to distinguish the deranged lunatic politicians in control of a nation from the actual people of that nation, who tend to be more the victims of despotic regimes than being in any way responsible for their atrocities. Assholes like this are making it more difficult to make that distinction. One starts to wonder if maybe we’re not adequately vetting immigrants from Russia.

Conversely, Canada recently announced that there will be no limits on immigration from Ukraine. The EU has announced that they are welcome in any EU country.

Politifact has quite a few fake news stories about Ukraine they debunked:

There’s an implicit suggestion that this vandal was a Russian expat or otherwise has a specific affiliation with Russia. This strikes me as the less likely cause. The more likely is that this clown is a right-wing whack job who simply wants to own the libs. He probably could give a fuck about Russia, but now that he’s done being part of the Anti-vax blockade he’s moved on to the next Qanon marching orders.

We’re both just speculating here, but given the one instance where the vandal’s motives appear to be evident – the one I described where they guy who smashed the rear window of a car with two kids in the back seat, who had gotten out of a car displaying the Russian flag – there is some evidentiary support for the idea that at least some of these assholes are knee-jerk pro-Russia fanatics. I tend to think that this is actually more likely than the idea that they’re just anarchists who like to destroy things.

Yes, we’re speculating, but the guy with a Russian flag is no more likely to be Russian than the Ukrainian flag flying driver was to be Ukrainian. Everyone is virtue signaling here. I’ve seen next to no coverage of Russian expats here in the States with any sympathy for Russia or Putin. Every pro-Russian mouthpiece is a Fox News contributor…none have Russian accents. None represent Russian enclaves here.

It is kind like Cuban Americans and Castro…there’s effectively no one outside of Cuba on his side, certainly no Cuban expats.

Hi, I have a suggestion. Why don’t you actually read the article in the OP before you start tossing incorrect speculation around and allegations of “virtue signalling”?

If you had read the article, you would have seen this bit:

And it says fuck all about the Russian. Which was the whole point. Maybe instead of making snide comments about people reading something maybe you ought to work on your reading comprehension first.

My comment about virtue signaling is directed at al those in this thread talking about flying Ukrainian flags. And for the record, that wasn’t intended to be a dig, just a statement of fact. I happen to think that showing support for Ukraine right now is a virtue worth signaling. So maybe lower your hackles a little.

The term “virtue signaling” is used in my experience almost always as a derogatory comment. So it’s very understandable that most would think that you were insulting anyone who is wanting to fly a Ukraine flag right now, implying that they were insincere, and were merely pretending to like Ukraine.

What term do you suggest I use for people who sincerely are signaling they support Ukraine?

This stupid treadmill where assholes co-opt a word which therefore fundamentally poisons its use in every other context is unsustainable.

If you are putting value judgments on the term that’s on you.

Incidentally, the assholes flying Russian flags in general sincerely support Putin. Their rationale is toxic as fuck, but they believe it.

No, the term was specifically coined to attack people for performative support, specifically by right wingers to attack people to the left of them.

It’s not other people’s fault when they assume you knew what a word meant. The only way you could have encountered the term is as a pejorative.

People can be really irrational when it comes to their nationality, and will tend to believe whatever suits their emotional needs.

I mean, your own link explains that this is false…but here we are.