Cartoon that have been turned into live action films or TV

Well, Great Teacher Onizuka was a manga first. Off the top of my head, I don’t remember if the live action version preceded the anime.

Is that different from the live-action Challenge of the Superheroes/Batman “Roast” from 1979? Now that was bad.

It is different. Here is the IMDB listing. Words can’t convey how bad this was, but to be honest, the GL effects were better than I would have imagined. But both Atom and J’onn J’onzz were fat. The costumes were cheap and cheesey. Granted, pilots are often horrible - ST:TNG comes to mind - but there was nothing here to make the show worthy of taking a chance on it.

The very mention of that has started vague but disturbing memories swirling in the nether regions of my mind. I think I’ma gonna have to go back into therapy if I click that link…