Cassiopeia A: I'm Not Dead Yet

Yes you are. You’ll be stone cold in a moment.


Best use of Monty Python ever. :smiley:

Shouldn’t that say “died 10,325 years ago” and “let out a b urst of energy some 10,050 years ago?”

Here’s the part I don’t get. 1572 + 325 = 1897. It says the explosion was in 1572, but if it died 325 years ago (10K years notwithstanding, though FBG is right), it would have died in 1680, no?

FBG and NET that was driving me f’ing nuts when I read that article yesterday. I kept expecting some parenthetical explaining that, what looked like a burst of energy 50 years ago actually happened 10,050 years ago, but no such luck.

As for your question NET, taking a WAG, maybe the difference is in the definition of “death.” I imagine stars’ death scenes aren’t short or even Shakespearian, but extend over hundreds of years. So what Brahe saw in 1572 was the start of the death that did not conclude until 1680?

I’m picturing Cassiopeia in a Monty Python skit: “I’m not dead yet…” and so forth.