what would the government have us do in the case of alien invasion? are there any plans in place for such an event, how ever unlikely? or would it boil down to the same plans as for terrestrial attack (army invasion etc)?
lets assume they just appear (the aliens) and begin killing civilians and blowing buildings up. have either the UK or US governments come up with a contingency plan for evacuation / retaliation?
The US Government had a place at the Greenbrier in West Virginia where they could stash the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the government in case of nuclear attack. When that was exposed in 1992, I am confident there is another such site somewhere.
so, the powers that be really arent all that interested in preserving mankind (hence no women no children), just their own rich bad selves.
whats to govern if theres no one left? is there any chance of survival?
now i sound really paranoid. let me assure you this is not the case. im merely curious to see how quickly society would fall to pieces in the above circumstances
All governments had plans for nuclear attacks. The idea wasn’t so much to preserve humanity as to preserve the institutions to restore social order following the disaster. They likely figured some people would survive and those people are going to need a government damn it!
Other disaster plans are focused on local issues like earthquakes, chemical spills, or biological agents. In those cases the infrastructure to deal with problems likely still exists else where in the country and can be brought in.
An alien invasion would likely be similar to a nuclear attack. Evacuate the leadership to a safe location, fight back and then likely get wiped right off the planet. Let’s face it, if you’re crossing light-years to invade a planet, F22s and armour piercing rounds are the least of your worries.
It’s a little off-topic, but I once wrote a scene into an (unpublished) screenplay where a character breaks into a secure government archive, and stumbles across the proverbial “big file cabnet of contingency plans.” Out of curiosity, he looks in the “Extraterrestrial Belligerent(s)” file…and finds out that the plan is to help the aliens vanquish the rest of the planet, in exchange for leaving the U.S. and her “key allies” in peace.
The plan would also suggest offering the aliens control of either Australia or Canada (Their choice), as a sign of “good faith.”