Catherine-Zeta Jones & Queen Latifah Rock the AcademY!

Yeah. I went to go get a sammich. I’m pretty sure what that was for, anyways.
Oh, and Brody’s win marks the first time I’ve ever gotten verklempt in response to an acceptance speech. Bravo.

Jack Nicholson was all :cool: - whatup with the shades, Jack?

He starts stammering out his acceptance speech, I switch to Hindu’s doing the Tiger dance on Discovery channel, switch back much later, HE’S STILL TALKING, and the audience is on his feet. What did he say?

Not if you’re my age. I found it enlightening to see who was still alive. In keeping with that theme, did anyone else think that bot Kird Douglas and Karl Malden seemed like corpses sitting there? Of course, at 90, Malden was probably doing good to just be there.

He explained how playing Szpilmann made him more aware of the devastating effects of war, and how he wished for peace and for troops to be returned home safely. It was very moving and well-said (far more effective than Michael Moore’s rant). I haven’t remotely done it justice.

The band started to play him off, but he actually got them to stop. Speaking of the sadness of dehumanization of people during times of war. Praying for safety of everyone and a swift resolution.

That was so great. Not as good as Antonio Banderas dragging Almodovar away a few years ago, but Yaaaa! for the underdog!
I’m still bitter about Dexter Gordon . He wuz robbed!

I also enjoyed Brody’s speech, not only that he asked for more time when the “wrap it up” music started, but with his expressed hope that U.S. troops come back home soon. He didn’t state an opinion about the U.S.'s involvement in the war, but he expressed the hopes of all Americans, that our troops come home soon.

However, I was more impressed with his big fat sloppy kiss with Halle Berry. Atta boy Adrien!

Nicholson always wears his sunglasses at the Oscar ceremonies; it’s almost his trademark by now. Didn’t know know Nicholson was gay, BTW. :smiley:

By far my favorite part was seeing and hearing Peter O’Toole and his acceptance speech.

The man is eloquent and funny as all hell. And most deserving.
" Always a bridesmaid, never a bride."

“As I go doddering towards antiquity…” HAH! Makes me want to have a Peter O’Toole film festival.

And Kirk and Michael Douglas doing the Best Picture award, Kirk stole the moment when he ripped the paper in half and then put his half with his son’s. I like him more now seeing that he has fought so hard against his stroke.
Adrien Brody kissing Halle Berry was just hysterical…then his speech went on and on . I don’t care how eloquent or moving. He had his two minutes and then the orchestra stopped playing. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Nicole Kidman looked funky. Is she turning Chinese or something? Her hair was pulled to tight, giving her a Joan River’s look to her.
Martin’s best line was the one about Michael Moore. It was the only line that seemed natural for him. And I love Steve. (And the one about, " We toned down the glitz…that’ll show them" Hah.

Meryl Streep, just in case you didn’t notice, sweetheart, your necklace did not match your outfit.

Halle seemed a little taken aback by the whole thing. Personally, I liked his speech a lot, and it’s always gratifying to see the underdog win, but I just thought grabbing her and kissing her for that long seemed a little bit, I don’t know, icky?

They showed a scene of her later kinda wiping her mouth. I don’t know, it just seemed kind of out there–I couldn’t tell if she was happy that he grabbed her like that or not.

My friend and I were wondering what was up with Meryl Streep’s shawl thing and the non-matching necklace. Not good.

I thought Julianne Moore looked beautiful as did Nicole Kidman. Catherine Zeta was very graceful considering she’s about to pop. I also thought Queen Latifah looked beautiful.

We were saying that Adrian Brody probably said to himself, “I’m not gonna win this fugger, but if I do, I’m kissing the hell out of Halle.”

My only beef about the Parade of winners is that they did the exact same thing 5 years ago, but had a lot more people there, so all I could do last night was count off all the people who were missing…

I would say that Steve Martin should do it every year except the years he doesn’t do it make the years he does only that much more special.

I know it’s his trademark; I was more wondering whatup with the sunglasses in general. Always makes me think he’s hiding one hell of a shiner. He ought to switch to porkpie hats or ladies’ underwear or something!

CZ-J did a better singing job at the Oscars than Madonna, who’s supposed to be a professional, when she performed “You Must Love Me.” Sure, CZ-J had Queen Latifah and 18 dancers while Madonna was performing solo, but Madonna does this for a living and I remember still being greatly disappointed at Madonna’s performance.

And wasn’t it nice of the guy who picked up the award for the Eminem song to wear his formal basketball jersey?

A couple of years ago Nicholson noted that if Fred Astaire wore sunglasses at the Oscars, so could he.