Cats can catch and pass on SARS! Get rid of your cats now!

It’s true! Pussy cats must go!

Cats ‘can catch and pass on Sars’

So can children. Guess we’ll have to throw them out too.

Children would be the bigger threat, because they can go out and catch it from school. Where’s the cat going to get SARS from? They don’t even know if cats can pass it on to people.

That’s IT. I’m cancelling my cat’s plane ticket to Hong Kong right now, and I don’t care WHAT he has to say about it.

What about humans? They too can catch and pass on SARS. Can we get rid of them too?

One more reason to hate cats! Hooray!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I hate cats.

Mama says cats are the devil.

How many people have sent their cats on a trip to China recently, though?

Well, one of my cats did hitchhike up to Toronto a few weeks ago. I don’t know how he managed that without a thumb.

Hey! I live in Toronto…


And here I thought it was people with overly long user names.

And here I thought it was people with overly long user names.

No, it’s the people who make multiple identical posts.

Your naughty bits can catch and pass on HIV! Get rid of your naughty bits now!

:dubious: :eek: :rolleyes:

They mentioned ferrets too. I’m not surprised, since ferrets can catch human colds and flu - they have such similar respiratory systems in some ways that they’re often used in studies like this. I always have to be careful around my ferrets when I have a cold, as I don’t want to infect them too.

well hell there goes Sissy Kitty’s trip to Toronto…
Hi Sunspac!

No, it’s the people who make multiple identical posts. **

It is?