Catsix, You're a Moron With a Persecution Complex and I'm Sick of It

And what do cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens eat? Why, they eat vegetable matter! Hay, grain, and other crops grown specifically to feed them. Even pastured meat animals are fed hay in the winter, and grain in the fattening for slaughter stage. Untold thousands of animals die every time those feed crops are harvested.

So one could argue that eating meat in fact increases the slaughter of innocent animals greatly out of proportion to the killing caused by vegetarianism.

And yes, catsix, I am indeed pointing this out in a deliberate attempt to put you down. My one goal on this board is to harp on and on about stuff that pisses you off.

How’m I doing? :wally

Well, it seems there’s at least one person who is denying that vegetable farming kills animals.

Employment on farm, 1994 to 1997.

Well if the goal is pissing me off, you’re failing miserably. :slight_smile:

In the spirit of “Tout comprendre, c’est tout pardonner,” I’d like to point out that catsix may have a better excuse than your average veggie-basher for the chip on her shoulder. I thought I remembered her name from a previous Vegetarians are eeeee-vil thread (here), and sure enough, she’s the one who revealed:

In later posts in the thread catsix adds olives, spinach, and other types of beans to the list of proscribed foods. And she’s not talking about breaking out into a rash, but serious anaphylaxis:

Finally, and to the point, she describes her own diet:

Now doesn’t that explain a lot? I mean, damn!!! If you had to live on a diet like that, you’d be constipated too!

Christ…my whole point about the cucumber truck running over the cat was that that is something that is coincidential. Yes it sucks. I am sure a tractor ran over a rabbit a few times. I am not eating the dead rabbit. I AM NOT EATING THE RABBIT THAT WAS KILLED BY THE TRACTOR…OR WHATEVER IT WAS THAT KILLED IT IN YOUR LITTLE SCENARIO…or whatever. Me eating a cucumber, again…more slowly and with more feeling…did not kill the cat that was run over by the truck. Therefore I didn’t kill the cat. I didn’t want it killed. In order for you to eat a steak, you have to want a cow to be killed…that’s the only way you will get a steak.

I feel like an idiot for actually putting time into arguing with you. It’s like screaming at a brickwall.

Oh, and I am still better than you. Nyyeah nyyeah.

What, you think a wheat thresher is smart enough to spare mice, insects, snakes and whatever else might decide to make its home in a field? :rolleyes:

Soapbox Monkey is female too

OMG Biffy. I haven’t laughed that hard in days. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Why “Watership Down” of course!!! And her cites to prove that all feminists are pschoticswho want to rid the earth of men “The Handmaiden’s Tale”


Be nice to catshit. It can’t be easy being constantly constipated.

Catsix is very interesting. Never boring (that I’ve seen).

While I am in no way endorsing anything else said by catsix, this is, in fact, true. “Animals” includes such critters as worms, insects, mice and so forth; all of whom have their habitats destroyed whenever fields are converted to wheat farming. (Or corn or whatever.)

I believe grain farming also disrupts the nitrogen-fixation cycle, what with the loss of critical micro-organisms and fungi.


No, I’m not.

How nice that you accessorize your canvas shoes with a tinfoil hat.

What are you talking about? How does catsix being interesting have anything to do with your annoyance of me on another thread? And I thought that insulting someone in a separate thread for what you disagree with them on in another was frowned upon.

Particularly since you were disagreeing with something you ThOUGHT I was saying, rather than what I was actually saying.

Aha! So you admit you are not better than catsix!

I knew it.

Frankly, I agree with you. **catsix ** leaves you in the dust.

marley23 is like that, but it is universally denied by marley23

Total agreement.

JThunder, in post #20 proves he’s only concerned with the “cute” animals. What about the worms?!? JT, I can’t see any reasonable vegetarian defending this. Here’s my challenge to you. Now be quick as it’s close to time to make a Denver Omelet for my wife.

Which animals are you trying to save in your little misguided crusade? Against animal abuse? Yeah, us non-psychos are for that, too. Now give us some answers.

Cite? I worked on a farm growing wheat, sunflowers, sugar beets, barley, and potatoes from 1995-2001. Operating tractors, combines, semis, sprayers, and tillers. Here’s a nasty little secret for you. If it was grown in a field, there were “extras” that were counted as a percentage against total load in the hopper. Ever hear of the “rodent droppings” in cereals years ago? They weren’t all from rats in the mills. And they weren’t all “droppings”.

There is shit in your food you don’t want to know about. And if you think being vegetarian (or even vegan) gives you any comfort, you better wake up, pal. If you eat, you’re indirectly responsible for animal deaths.

But keep lying to yourself and your buddies that you’re better than us. Us workers that actually produce food for you to live know better. And that’s all the ignorance fighting I need at times. :wally

Isn’t it a little dishonest to say that a person’s not responsible for the death of something else because they didn’t want it to die while still supporting the industry that brought about its demise?

Animals die so people get to live. That’s not going to change or stop by eating vegetables instead of meat, it’s just going to mean that different animals are dead.

Not that it’s anybody’s business here, but I don’t get constipated. Don’t think I have ever been, actually.
