
Saw it…have to say it is what is is a fluff(y) :wink: movie, not anything special. Wouldn’t sit through it again but ok the first time around. IIRC **Entertainment Weekly ** gave it a B-.

Now we know who not to trust.

And yet they had this to say: “Most of the movie has the cruddy lighting and generic, death-by-franchise atmosphere of a third-rate spectacle that’s been worked over by too many hacks.”

I find no small amount of comedy in Halle’s comments regarding Xmen3, chronicled in an item last week over at Comics2film on CBR (sorry, I can’t find the link now). The article made claims along the lines of Halle stating she was an Oscar-winning actress now, and as such deserved a leading role. When this was apparently refused (the studio need to complete Wolverine’s story first, thereby completing the trilogy, which does make sense) she allegedly said she needed ‘more challenging parts’ and wouldn’t be part of any Xmen3 movie.

Curiously she has no issues with Catwoman, which I could very well imagine might end her career! Obviously this only a supposition of mine, having not seen the film, but based on the general responses, comments and attitude I’m seeing from an admittedly narrow audience, I can’t see Catwoman film actually benefitting her career!

Maybe this is the kind of challenge she’s talking about.
[casting director]:‘weren’t you in that Cat movie?’.

But that’s not at all encouraging. That’s like someone asking “Did it hurt?” and answering “A bit, but it didn’t really hurt any more than the time I accidentally put my hand on the red hot stove element.”

Can I do a plot WAG question?

So does it turn out that Sharon Stone has been using the fancy age cream herself and during the course of the Final Showdown she gets all disfigured like all the victims?

Here’s a disturbingly thorough synopsis: The Movie Spoiler – Your guide to the latest plot twists and surprise endings, now playing at a theater near you!

But to answer your question: not until she dies.

You know, I still think they made a huge mistake not begging Angela Bassett (Strange Days, What’s Love got to Do with it) to play the part of Storm in the movies. She always struck me as a much ‘heavier’ actress, and could have handled the action hero stuff easily.

I HATE Halle Berry. Always have, ever since ‘Strictly Business.’ She makes for a great model and an atrocious actress.

That’s true, although I personally didn’t find it painful. It just wasn’t very good either. I wasn’t trying to convince anyone that this was a good movie. My point is that I think that the hatred towards this movie is way overblown.

See, this pisses me off. They’re banking on the fact that people won’t know that Time-Warner owns Entertainment Weekly. The same freaking people that own DC Comics, who own Catwoman.

Why don’t they just put a fake quote on the poster from David Manning, and save us all the trouble of going?

Journalistic integrity surrenders.

I resent that remark. :stuck_out_tongue:

When they take a 64 year old character that is well established and screw with it this much to make a bad movie, hatred doesn’t really cover it.

Even the whole premise is iffy. Catwoman saves the city from the evil… cold cream. I mean, evil makeup? Now, really!

When I went to the 12:15am showing of Spider-Man 2 the first day, the trailer for Catwoman got actually booed.

The Saturday L.A. Times had a full page ad for Catwoman. The publicity dept. had pegged its hopes to one, glowing quote, printed in about 60 point type…
From Earl Dittman.

For more Earl info:

You sort of helped make my point though. You are basing your hatred on the changing of an established character. This may ruin the movie for you. If I cared much about DC comic characters, it might even ruin it for me. I don’t, so it didn’t.

Regardless, these changes to the franchise shouldn’t taint the movie when viewed as its own entity. Some of the hatred for the movie is based on people upset with changes to the franchise, not on the entertainment value of the movie alone.

Like I’ve been saying, it really wasn’t that good, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as the reviews and message boards are saying. My girlfriend and I have probably went to 15+ movies so far this year. The only ones that come immediately to mind as being much better than this are HP:PoA and Spiderman 2. Others like I, Robot were better, but not by nearly as much.

Points to you for the joke, but is an evil corporation selling a toxic product really any harder to believe than hordes of flying vampire babies, insta-freezing cold stalking high school students, a minature sun escaping control of its tentacled creator, or Keira Knightly, warrior princess?

PaulFitzroy DC has had a Catman for many years now. He wears a red cape, gloves, boots and speedos over a yellow unitard. The chest has CM in red letters. IIRC He was a big game hunter in Africa. He was attacked by lions, but miraculously survived. The witch doctor who nursed him back to health gave him a cat fetish (as in idol or magic object, not a sexual kink). Upon returning to America, the man took the cloth of the fetish and used it to make a feline costume. He went on to commit many cat themed crimes. In one adventure, he had burly henchmen who each possesed a single cat ability-one could see in the dark, one always landed on his feet (even when unconscious) etc.

I believe Frank Miller included a reworked version of Catman in one of the Batman:Year series.

A few years back, Catman (wearing a much better costume. Though still red and yellow, the chest is now decorated with a stylized feline head) teamed up with Calendar man and Killer Moth for a large kidnapping plot. While Killer Moth was true to his name and wanted to kill the hostages anyway, Cat Man insisted that since they had received the ransom, they were honor bound to release the hostages as they had promised.

Catman (like many villains) seemingly been killed only to return later. He insists that the cloth of the costume has granted him nine lives.

RogueRacer I think I speak for all the comic geeks on the board when I say we aren’t trying to build our reputations. We are bashing it because it sucks.

They anounce a CatWoman movie. Starring Halle Berry. This made some folks wonder if the Catwoman of the comics would switch races.

It turns out that Berry is not playing Selina Kyle. She’s some other Catwoman. The Adam West show did the same thing with Kitt. Producers, understandably, worried how the audience would react to an interracial romance. Since the ads make it clear Berry’s character has a caucasian love interest, I cannot understand why they did it this time.

The costume in the film is unlike any to appear in the comics. The costumes on the 60’s show, the various cartoons, and the second Keaton film were often new creations. But, they were based on costumes that had appeared in the comics for years. OTTOMH, the main difference between Eartha Kitt’s costume and the classic Catwoman of the comics was that Kitt’s was black and the comic version was purpl.
Berry’s costume makes her look like a dominatrix dressed up for a client with a Catwoman fetish- not like a woman who actually is Catwoman.

The ads show shots of a human eye transforming to a cat’s eye. Catwoman does not have this power, or any other superpowers really. (Though many writers give her powers over felines, AFAIK this is not canon). They did a similar thing with the Huntress in the Birds Of Prey show. I wasn’t happy about that either. (Actually, the only thing I liked on that show was Mia Sara as Harley Quinn.)

Stonebow I agree completely. I’ve been saying the same thing for a long time. Storm is young and sexy, while also somehow old and wise (While everybody else calls Xavier, Wolverine calls him Charlie, and Storm calls him Charles. Rather than viewing him as a superior and a father figure, they view him as an equal). She had the skills and wits to survive as thief in Cairo. She was worshipped as a godess in Africa. She’s been team leader. Angela Basset could convey all that. Halle Berry’s Storm is just Halle Berry in a bad wig.

I get where you’re coming from, Rogue, and I’m positive that this thing isn’t as bad as people are saying.

However, this is as close to a superfluous project as has ever been created. They literally created a movie with no audience.

If you’ve got no intention of being faithful to the character, why bother to pay the license? Name-recognition? Nobody outside of comic fans give a crap about Catwoman, and because it’s so badly constructed and casted, those fans aren’t coming.

Which leaves fans of action movies, or fans of African-American leads. Well, people who wanted that got their fill a couple weeks ago from Will Smith in “I, Robot.” Will Smith gives those people a guaranteed action film – Halle Berry, despite her role as Storm, can’t sell a flick alone.

This movie was a train-wreck from the gun. Nobody thought this was going to turn out well, and as it turns out, perception IS reality.

I left out one point. When Catman removed the cloth from the African hunting fetish, the spirit in the doll did not become one living and chase him around his apartment with a knife and big, pointy teeth.

Geez, rip off a plot point from Tim Burton’s Batman.

But the Joker is insane. Sure tainting all those products was dificult, time-consuming and expensive, but to him the important thing was that random people would die horribly.

Corporations, even the most evil and greedy ones, want profits. Evil cold cream may make short term profits, but in the end the fines, lawsuits and riots will result in a bankrupt company and jailed boardmembers.

I haven’t read the spoiler link yet (laptop is not behaving today) but evil makeup was a plot point in the animated series episodes Feat Of Clay 1, and 2. The Dagget corporation has developed a cream that allows you to remold your face, younger skin, a smaller nose etc. The effects are temporary and users return to their normal appearance in a few hours. The stuff is also highly physically addictive and going without it cause nasty withdrawal. The same questions occured however- Roland Dagget was an established character and what the viewers knew of him from previous episodes made his actions more believable (‘Me? I knew nothing about this! The pharmaceutial division gave me false reports! I would never have sold Renew U cream if I had known the truth!’ He would then use a false papertrail he had laid down in advance to implicate a few vp’s who he didn’t trust and convince the public that he was an innocent victim). And the rest of the episode was well written and well acted (Ron Pearlman of Beauty And The Beast, City Of Lost Children, and Hellboy did the voice of Clayface).

Rotten Tomatoes lists 35 such fims, and that’s just in the Action/Adventure genre.