CBS says Obama has 95% percent of the black vote in Penn.

Fuck off.

Clearly, because Obama should’ve gotten 100% of the black vote. Self-haters!

Wait, what? Did somebody get disappeared?

Apparently, and my post with him/her/it.

Yeah, my post too. And I used such a pretty font in it!


It was this one.

Okay, the people who voted for Obama who didn’t vote for Kerry are racist – you fucking piece of shit.


You know, just like everyone else should, us black folk vote on issues.

Yes, it could. It could be that his message of reconciliation and service resonated especially poignantly with their demographic.


I’m sure that Jesse Jackson was crying last night because he was happy that Obama’s tax plan was going to be enacted. Surely those tears had nothing to do with race.

Irrelevant to the OP. There are a lot of white people also in amazement and wonder at how far this country has come in our lifetimes. Even McCain mentioned it.

Crying tears of joy because a black man was elected does not make you racist. It was a nice try, though.

Maybe not a “racist” depending on the definition, but crying simply because a black man is elected is not keeping with MLKs dream of a color blind society. I was taught from a young age to make no distinction based on race. None.

Should Obama be judged by the color of his skin or by the content of his character? Was Jackson crying because of the content of Obama’s character?

Ah, you see no race. Just like Stephen Colbert. If King were alive today, he also would have failed to notice that Obama was black.

What makes you think that such crying constitutes a judgment?

There are only two reasons I can think of why Jesse Jackson might be crying:

  1. He thought he should have been President instead of Obama
  2. Now that Obama is the President-Elect, he has Secret Service protection, which will make the Reverend’s attempt at castrating Obama really, really hard.

And isn’t it great that we are now moving toward a society in which no distinction is made based on race, as Obama’s election shows? I think that’s something to be proud of.

When Kennedy ran for president, my parents were giddy with excitement and canvassed for him and voted for him and were incredibly passionate about him. Why? He was a Roman Catholic. So were they. They were thrilled and moved to be included.

Was that an “-ism”? Was that a horrible thing for them to do, to want to be part of the American dream that says, “My kid can grow up to be president of the United States of America”?