Cecils answer why H in J H Christ

Well, the Divine Name is said to mean “I Will B What I Will B” :smiley:

David, can I borrow this? It would really come in handy for me.

And could you expound a little further on the etymology of “Meh”?

Dr. Bronner, have you been drinking again?

David, how do you explain the whole mary/miriam/mariam thing ? I’ve noticed that you did not address it in your replies.

Now you’re just making stuff up. The Chi does not look like either a Sigma (in any form) or the Roman letter C. What does Chi have to do with the name Horus? Chi does not appear in either the Greek or Roman translations of the Egyptian word.

I have already provided a link to an ikon in which the Greek sigma was written to look just like the Latin “C.” (There are plenty more. Your claim that they “replaced” sigma with “C” makes no sense unless the letter “C” was added to the Greek alphabet. The only place that a letter that looks like a “C” occured was when the traditional sigma, [symbol]S[/symbol], began to be written C (as it was in the photo to which I linked).

And you keep dragging chi into the discussion without even explaining where you think you see it. The only demonstration we have seen of Chi is in the ikon to which I linked in which it begins the (abbreviation for) the word [symbol]Cristos[/symbol].

Actually, it was Ya, although in combining forms it occasionally shifted to Ye or Yo. Since the letter J is a late European invention, neither the Hebrews nor the Egyptians used it. However, even letting that silliness pass, there is no reason to think that an Egyptian or a Hebrew would ever tack a prefix from the other’s language onto one of their names. (As an example, Moses, an Egyptian name, is not found in combined form in Hebrew.) So we find Yoseph (and its earlier uncontracted form Yehoseph), in ancient Hebrew writings, but we do not find Yo-Seb in any Egyptian writings.

Your source appears to be simply making it up.

So you think that picking and choosing separate images from different (and often conflicting) myths establishes your point? You find a reference that in one story one eye of Horus has an independent parent from the rest of Horus and that is supposed to show this direct line of authority down to the first century? By the way, did you happen to notice that the “authority” for your quote is one of the truly notable frauds of the nineteenth century? Before you go relying on any more drivel from supporters of Theosophy, you should probably cross-check the “information” they supply against information provided by actual scholars of Ancient Egypt. I was not going to make an issue of your link to a “New Age” site on the grounds that it is always possible that they have employed some scholarship when creating their stories. However, to draw information directly from a long-disproven fraud does not provide a reputable source for your claims. When you get Madame Blavatsky’s trash out of your posts, we might begin to take you seriously.

Dude, you’d have a better chance of convincing me that Christ was actually a goa’uld. And sure, while it’s possible that there was an Egyptian input into Christianity, it’d be mostly Hellenistic by that point. Look at the Gospel of Thomas, for example. A gnostic gospel, nothing but sayings, written in Coptic. And heck, that was probably originally in Greek. The question then, of course, if the Gospel of Thomas had any input into the synoptic gospels or if Thomas came after the synoptic gospels. Another question would be where Thomas was originally written. And yet another question would be if anything else found at Nag Hammadi had any input into early Christian thought.

But, yeah, your theory has about as much weight as a theory that Jesus Christ was actually a goa’uld. Actually, my theory is more amusing, as I guess Christ would probably actually be a tok’ra.

So the Walrus isn’t Paul? Then why is he barefoot?

Wait, so if the Walrus isn’t Paul, then who is the Eggman?

And all this without getting into the Ancient Egyptian/Indus Valley* spacecraft!

  • I think they were designed by Harry Krishna.

DavidWaite–Many parts of your argument do not jibe well with known History or generally accepted Theology. So, instead of altering your argument to suit what we know, you decide that it is better to re-write History & Theology to suit your personal notions.

That’s just not valid, buckaroo.

We know you’d like to feel welcome here, and you are welcome, but anger & wild speculation will not make your welcome warmer.

Re-think your ideas a bit.

That explains the gap from birth to when he started preaching. Though of a noble line, he was born an ordinary human. It was only when he became host to Christos, son of the System Lord Yaweh, that the Gospels resume again.

Typical of Goa’uld, Christos attempts to betray and overthrow his father. He begins by getting his father’s First Prime, John the Baptist, to defect. Then, he begins winning the masses to him (“And he jestured, and great rings of stone fell from the sky and there was a great light. The rings vanished and from the empty air had come food enough to feed the masses.” "Christos placed his hands upon the body. His many ornaments glowed like fireflies and clicked and hummed like birds. Christos took from his belt a vial of shining water. He set the vial upon the chest of Lazarus, and the glowing water did vanish. Then, did Lazarus return to the world of the living.). Christos tried to overthrow Yahweh, first by rousing the people to rebellion and usurping his father’s role ("No one comes to the father but through me.), then with armed revolt (“He that has no sword, let him sell his cloak and buy one. Take though these staves of iron for they shall smite our foes with lightning. Hold in your hand these serprents of wrath. They shall strike down our enemies with arrows of light”). This lead Yaweh to have Christos humiliated and killed. However, the centurion j’fa charged with actually destroying the Goa’uld symbiote failed. Driving a spear into the human host’s side, the centurion thought Christo had been slain. J’fa still loyal to Christos were able to retrieve him and place him in a sarcophagus Christo had hidden in case his primary base was compromised. After bioalteration of his elite j’fa (apparently the implantation of a universal translator), Christos vanished.

I personally have fallen into the habit of using “Jesus Herbert Walker Christ.” Any takes on what that means?


Jesus Herbert Walker Christ was okay, but I’m not so hot on Jesus Walker Christ. And you know you’re in trouble if you attract the attention of Walker Christ, Texas Ranger.

Just because I am proving Christianity wrong and therein not agreeing with you does not make me less well read. If anything it makes me more so.

And in this particular case the appearance is that Joseph referred to the god Seb.

So does “Jonah” mean “The Lord ‘Nah?’”

Does Job mean “The Lord ‘b?’”


It means
Job isn’t a name. It is a word meaning persecuted. The story of Job was a parable of the persecuted one.
Jonah would be better spelled Joe-nah which meant dove. So apparently you didn’t look at the link.

Sure, and as for Meh:
Mehit-Weret meant great flood and was used as the name of the Nile goddess or the water goddess as the Nile would periodically flood. This went to
Mehueret, Methyer
Meri------------- Merriam, Mirriam

What exactly concerning this do you want me to explain?

No I’m not and that is my point. They look nothing alike and therefor the replacement wasn’t a mistake! And whether you like it or not god Seb translated to Hebrew and then to English would read Joseph so no, no one is “making it up”. You merely want to believe that because you are grasping at straws. So instead of finding a valid argument you go on to call it drivel etc and try to “trash it out” instead. Try a logic based argument instead of an emotional attack next time.

Ignoring the sarcasm as it does not constitute a logical argument, yes the dying rising god concept of Horus-Osiris did take root in Hellenistic culture. Do a search on Osiris-Dionysus. Jesus was just one of many dying rising gods rooted ultimately in Horus-Osiris.

There is no speculation or anger on my part. The accusation shows it on yours. My argument jibes just fine with history, just not with your theology which is irrelevant because your theology(mythology) is no more rooted in historical fact than anyone else’s mythology(theology).

It would be nice if we had an edit option.

Regarding the greek letters, I actually posted a picture that supported my assertion and you have still not explained what Chi has to do with Horus, since that letter does not appear in the name. (I really suspect that you would not even recognize a Chi if your favorite tune was set in it.)

As to the rest, it appears that you are simply repeating the nonsense spouted by Madame Blavatsky in her ramblings on Theosophy. Here is a clue: she made it all up. She had no training in classical literature or religion. She was writing at a time when very little scholarship had been puiblished on those topics, so she could more easily make outrageous statements without being called upon her errors. (Much of the stuf she shoveled into the Theosophy books were “copied” from “lost” books in other languages that appeared to her, floating in the air to allow her to make copies.)

If the stuff you culled from Theosophy is correect, it should be easy to discover third-party works of scholarship that support it. Let’s see it.

Yeah, how hard is to differentate between a chi and a sigma? A Greek chi looks much like a Roman X. In fact, the uppercase Greek chi looks exactly like an uppercase Roman X and the lowercase Greek chi looks like a lowercase Roman x with a little bit of curvature on the upper-left-to-lower-right stroke. Standard uppercase sigmas look kinda like a stylized E, the lunate sigma does look like a C, and the lowercase sigma is just bizarre, even more so for the symbol used when sigma terminates a lowercase word.

And I still don’t understand what you are attempting to argue. The chi was replaced, you say? To make something that looks like a C? Then why is the chi still there, plain as day?

Hey, Doc, as much as I loved your running with it, any chance you can get in here and post on the God-prefixes in Hebrew? I know there’s Yo, Eli, El and I want to say one more, with the difference being the oral traditions and pre-Biblical beliefs.

Tell you what. I don’t think you’ll have many people here arguing that there was not a Hellenistic influence in early Christianity. However, you aren’t going to get anywhere arguing a strong Egyptian influence because there isn’t one. And the fact that you seem to be arguing–bizarrely–that chi was replaced by sigma when the chi is obviously still there isn’t helping.

And dang it, where is Diogenes when we need him?

OK, it’s clear that major parts of the whole Jesus story was based upon a lot of earlier mythology – Horus, Dionysus, Mithra, etc – that got glommed onto the basic story later to spice it up. But, geez, dude, the proofs and evidence given above with Meri and Jo-Sep and Jesus H Christ are completely ridiculous back formations that do not make sense. It’s not enough for you to point out extreme points of similarity, you have to invent up nonsense evidence to try to support it as well.

And if you come back with “I just know more than you” – nuh uh, sorry. It’s clear that you don’t.

It just occured to me what you might be talking about. Miriam the sister of Moses led the celebration when the red sea supposedly closed on pharoes armies and murmered against Moses and so was cursed with leprocy. An earlier account of the story may well have been then that an idol of the water cow goddess derived from Meri was used to lead celebration and given credit for closing the waters and that goddess was curseded by Moses’s jealous god.

I cut your irrelevent ramblings of emotion that you used in place of a valid argument after that statement. As for your picture it is absolutely irrelevent to my assertion. Although I never said Chi had anything to do with Horus, since you brought it up I will tell you two things it has to do with him. First Christo was greek for a title of Horus and second the Chi symbol is an x shape and that shape represented the sun god and Horus was a sun god and that is why he is dipicted at times with arms or wings outstreatched in the form of a cross or as a crucifix. If the C replacing S was meant to be chi instead of sigma that would be the relevence, but that was never my assertion. My assertion was that the reason S was replaced with C was to change it from an abbreviation to initials thus indicating there was a name for Jesus that started with an H, the other two initials being for Jesus and Christ.

Who is arguing that?

Yes there is. All the regions were inspired ultimately by Egyptian religion. The dieing rising godman theme which led to Jesus ultimately derives from Horus-Osiris.

Yes they do and I haven’t made anything up. The entire Nativity comes from the Meh Seb Horus and Herrut depiction. The dying rising godman comes from the Osiris-Horus story. The crucifix comes from the cross symbol of the sun. The 153 fishes from Pythagorus. Even before Jesus, 7 of the ten commandments from the book of the dead. The golden cow the Israelites drank from the water cow goddess Meh. Yahweh of Samaria and his consort Asherah from Baal gods. Where isn’t it paaganism?

But it is clear that I do.

Do Not
Do So
Do Not
Do So

Puh leez

Welcome guest.

In Great Debates here on the Dope you are expected to provide credible evidence when you make an assertion unless you present it as your opinion rather than established fact. Simply restating it and saying it’s true repeatedly is fairly empty and meaningless.