Cecil's column on Preparation H

I just have to disseminate my mother’s response to the report that women use Preparation H around their eyes. She said something along the lines of “It makes me wonder where they apply their eyeshadow.”

Best regards from Deborah

With the right shade they could have rose colored asses.

Good for what ails ya…

You could get the same effect by giving a good spanking :wink:

In the March 5th column, in the last paragraph it’s mentioned in “Paula’s
tips” and included as #2 “Avoid booze and salty foods, which can cause
water retention”. I always thought “booze” dehydrated you?

When you begin to dehydrate, your body realizes this; it increases the amount of water held in body tissues, so it has a reserve to rely on. The less you drink, the more water you retain (up to a point).
This is why most diets tell you to drink water. When you give your body enough water intake, it doesn’t feel the need to hold on to that extra reserve anymore, and lets it go. If you ever lost several pounds in the first week of a diet and someone said it was “water weight,” this is what he meant.

I have been told that super models rub acetone on their faces to get rid of fat deposits. Doesn’t sound like a good idea, but they make more money than I do.

When you begin to dehydrate, your body realizes this; it increases the amount of water held in body tissues, so it has a reserve to rely on. The less you drink, the more water you retain (up to a point).
This is why most diets tell you to drink water. When you give your body enough water intake, it doesn’t feel the need to hold on to that extra reserve anymore, and lets it go. If you ever lost several pounds in the first week of a diet and someone said it was “water weight,” this is what he meant.

No, no, no. Water is stored with glycogen in our body, when we diet we mobile glycogen stores and lose water. Similar process with salt, too.

I thought all the threads from 1999 were lost in the mists of time. Congratulations on finding one, vanda!

And if I’m reading the URL right, it’s the 10th thread overall.

Well it took 16 years but now we finally know.

To quote Dr. Evil and Scott from Goldmember:

People are so strange