Celebrating Christmas alone

Thank you for this idea~~seems like an especially good one. I’m going to try it tonight and tomorrow.

Most welcome! :slight_smile: I find it a great time to practice meditative breathing, too. Puts me in a right zen-ny state for the evening.

This year I caved to pressure to spend the holiday with friends, and that will be lovely. My private Christmas celebration will wait until Sunday. There’s supposed to be quite a snow storm this year starting Saturday night. Snow transforms this place. I should get some nice photos.

The Dope community may be too small these days to support it, but I know in at least one past year we had a thread for those of us alone on Christmas - it was nice to check in with a few others in the same boat. You could try a thread on Christmas Day. (I’ll be alone starting at about 6pm Hawai’i time but Christmas will be pretty much over for most people by then due to time zone differences.)

Anyway, I think mulled cider or cranberry juice adds a really festive touch as it smells great simmering on the stove, and it is extremely easy: just heat some cider/juice in a pot on the stove with a cinnamon stick, a couple of allspice berries, and possibly a clove and/or a strip of orange peel. Smells fabulous and tastes great - after you take it off the heat you can add a spirit (vodka, rum, or whiskey) if you are so inclined.

Lights are nice too - if you have some, just string them up anywhere. Or light a couple of candles; scented ones with a pine, orange, or cinnamon scent are great.

Last year was the first year in my life that I didn’t spend Christmas with my family (I’m in NC, they’re in Chicago, one of my nieces is immuno-compromised so no family get-together). I honestly have no recollection of what I did last year. This year will be more of the same.

I have spent many Christmas days on my own. My parents, who are now dead, were both only children and I only have 2 brothers that live in another city. My 2 adult children live elsewhere too. But I like the peace and quiet - I just catch up with people in the days after.

A few years ago for Christmas dinner I made myself baked beans on toast. For two reasons; I love baked beans on toast and, I was able to take a photo of my “festive” meal to send to folks. Most people got the joke immediately but some were, “Oh, how sad.”

It is now my traditional Christmas meal if I am at my home on the day.

My son died four years ago but we never cared about Christmas, are likes other holidays. We always hated that everything was closed. I’ve stocked up on food, books and will be checking the Dope.:christmas_tree:

Local bar (a dive bar to most people) makes it known they are open on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and all the “loners” are welcome to come and have conversation. Popcorn, pretzels, and other bar snacks provided Christmas Eve and, I think, chili dogs Christmas Day. Open limited hours, 5-8 Christmas Eve and 10-2 Christmas Day so the owner can spend time with his family.

:arrow_up::arrow_up::arrow_up: Perfect! I’ll be having Ming’s House special lo mein leftovers, with some assorted dim sum. My newest tradition and fast becoming a favorite.

I make myself a treat of a dinner, something I probably couldn’t afford if I had to feed others as well, treat myself to a liqueur or a French pastry for dessert. This year, I ordered a Nobel prize-winning book to read. It is also important to schlep around in your favorite pajama pants all day. I scope out the Message Board. Maybe have a spiked cup of hot cocoa. And then I go to bed and dream sweet dreams.

I saw in People magazine that there’s now an Oreo Thins wine, to be paired with Oreos. I wish I had some. :cookie::wine_glass:

For lunch yesterday I fixed myself grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup (comfort food) which I ate while watching A Muppet Christmas Carol (which somehow I had never seen). Today I had a Zoom meeting with my sister and niece, who I haven’t seen since February 2020.

I hope you all had a rad Christmas :slight_smile: I just spent mine binging 3 movies, eating Chinese food, halving a tequila bottle, and making sure my driveway was properly shoveled lol. Same thing probably for the New Year’s–it was honestly fun being alone for once.

Also, I’m binging all the threads @Senegoid sent, always fun to see that you’re never truly alone in the human experience!

I’d love what @Aspenglow is doing, but bears would probably maul me to death… maybe some other time haha!

Well, you may be mauled by bears, but when you spend Christmas alone, at least you won’t be mauled by bores. :upside_down_face:

Though not alone, if I was I would definitely find a gourmet pizza joint (Il Matto in Quebec City; A Mano in Halifax; Woodenheads in Kingston; or Geppetto or Pizzaiolle in Montreal).

If they were so equipped I would sit at the bar with a favourite book, have a couple of micro-brews, an appetizer, a few glasses of hearty dry red, a mind-blowing pizza, and a grappa and espresso to finish things off.

I worked - which was cool - somebody had to cover the early shift and the holiday doesn’t mean much to me.

Traveling around town was very easy. That alone was a sinful pleasure.

Station provided very nice boxed dinners for everyone who worked that day, so when I was done at 1pm I took my box home and warmed up the turkey meal (enough for two meals actually), shared it with the cats, took a nap, drank some wine and played Civ VI into the wee hours.

I’m having trouble talking this week.
There are loads of family here.
I signed “Merry Christmas” and did what was necessary.
Watched the young ones enjoying their gifts. Listened to the adults cut up.
As soon as I could I hid out in the garage and watched Clarence the Possum and his Cat, Hari play ‘hide and seek’

The kids and house dogs soon
found me. My solitude was disturbed. I don’t care tho’, the pets and kids understand me far better than the adults.

I’m counting my blessings.
This new year coming up has just got to be better.

You singletons here on the Dope. I’m thinking of all of you on this holiday season.

Hiding in plain sight,

On the 25th a friend texted me at 7 am about a problem her sister was having. I explained that I could help, but I had to be home by 9 am to help my gf make pies.

Driving to her house I saw zero vehicles on the road. It was eerie, like post-apocalypse eerie.

I’ve always enjoyed the empty roads aspect of Christmas. It’s peaceful.

I even liked it during pandemic times, except I knew that idiots saw it as a perfect time to speed, drive drunk, and total the car they had payments due on because they thought their loan insurance would cover it. That aspect kept me working for six months, but it made me want to knock some heads together.