Celebrity Scientologists

No! Not Hyde! I’m ruined! My love for him has been squashed, What will I do!!!:smack: :confused: :mad: :frowning: :smack: :confused: :mad: :frowning: :smack: :confused: :mad: :mad: :frowning: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Cool that she digs guns, but shes still a scientologist

And the guy who plays Frances on Malcolm!!! That sucks!

Prepon is dating Christ Masterson, so it makes sense…

Blah. Did you read the rest of that woman’s site? She’s a total cult-O-holic. This time it’s Christianity.

Well him and Hyde are brothers, it sotra makes sense for them to have the same views,assuming that they were raised in that religion.

I’ll never understand how a minimally functioning brain can believe this bullshit. I know you need skill, and not smarts, to be an actor, but damn.

OK, I think I’ve heard that the Xenu stuff isn’t sprung onto them until they are deeply involved, and have a lot to lose emotionally by rejecting Scientology at that point. But still, damn.

So, does anyone want to tell me why it’s worthwhile to compile lists of celebrities who believe something really stupid? I mean, if you want to demonstrate how stupid it is, knock yourselves out. I’ll happily join you. But what’s the obsession with identifying all the stupid celebs who have been duped by a particularly crappy writer?

It’s just interesting for some reason.

minty, I think most people want to believe that celebrities whose work we enjoy in some measure think and believe the way we do. At the very least, we like to think that the actors are as interesting to know as the characters they portray. I think most people, in this thread if not in general, are smart enough to know that this simply isn’t the case. But even so, it still hurts a little bit to have it shoved in your face as dramatically as finding out that they believe in Scientology.

Especially when it’s Jason “What’s a Nubian?” Lee.

As to why it’s worthwhile to compile lists of this sort of thing, well, it’s probably not. But that’s just the nature of the internet.

Incidentally, I was approached by a Scientologist earlier today, who asked if I wanted to take a personality test. I told him, “I already have a personality, I don’t need to pay some creepy shadow cult to invent one for me.”

Okay, actually I just said, “I’m not interested, thank you.” But I wanted to say that other thing.

To quote myself from a previous thread:

And out of the myriad ways in which they don’t, we choose to pick Scientology for particular scorn? Where’s the CS thread about Whitney Houston and all her cokehead friends? That’s at least as stupid as Scientology.

Oh yeah, I’m mortally wounded here. I can only recover from this ache by starting a thread about a list of celebrities stupid enough to be duped by a crappy fantasy writer. Never mind that there are any number of other idiocies afoot in society at large, my pain is caused by the knowledge that such people occasionaly appear on television. The horror!

The nature of the internet is naked teenage sluts, an altogether more interesting pursuit than identifying Hollywood heretics.

I’m interested because I find Scientology, and certain various other interests, repugnant and possibly dangerous and choose to have what knowledge I can so that I can take what small steps I can to avoid doing anything beneficial for them. So I’ll avoid purchasing oil and gas. And in this case I wont pay to see a movie starring, co-starring or featuring scientologists prominently. Or pay to buy a DVD by them.

I will make some exceptions though, like The Simpsons, but I generally follow it.

Christopher Reeve later then joined the anti-Scientologist cause-he now speaks out against them, I believe.

I believe that Reeves is a Unitarian.

This scared me. If this site BS, let me know.

I’m with minty here.

I am a big movie buff. I LOVE movies. I also have more than a passing interest in celebrities, usually being the “trivia queen” and knowing who was in what in some bit part from ages ago.

But I don’t really want to know a whole lot about their personal lives. I never know whether to believe it, for one, and what good is it going to do for me to know? Sometimes I get upset when I read about some “rumor” about a favorite celebrity. Because I guess it bursts my bubble about whatever preconceived notion about them (and I am not beyond having my bubble burst, dammit). It bums me out. Screw it. I hate it.

For example, I recently read somewhere that Burt Lancaster was a real jerk. I DON’T WANT TO KNOW THIS! Why do I read this stuff?!?! I like Burt Lancaster, I don’t really want to know about his feet of clay. I just want to enjoy his movies.

Take it from me, people. You don’t really want to know. It isn’t as if you’re ever going to meet these people. As long as they are not an axe murderer or something, it is nothing to you. Just enjoy their work and be done with it.

Jenna Elfman!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Greta Van Susteren didn’t surprise me at all.

I’m guessing that no-one is really looking from any comment from a former member of the Co$. I’d kind of like to say quite a lot about how the Celebrity Centres are set up (former Sea Org member here), but CS isn’t the right forum within which to make such comments.

Oh yeah - Nic Cage is the one in whom I’m really disappointed.

Didn’t Nicolas Cage and Woody Harrelson rally against Scientology at some point? When they were buddies? One can assume that Nic’s relationship with Lisa-Marie changed his views… or he was at least “humoring” her.

As for the rest of Celebrities, it does seem there is a disproportionate number of them within their population doesn’t it?

From what I’ve read of Scientology, I think alot of it has to do with the Money aspect. To gain “levels” in the Church you have to give increasingly more money and who better than Celebrities to dump all their extra cash into gaining the ability to melt someone’s brain with a thought?

I’d still like to know what initially entices them… what the bait it is etc. Much be one pretty powerful pitch.

As a former member of the aformentioned “church”, I’m quite happy to tell you about “the pitch” either in another forum or in email.