cell phone in water

After about nine holes of golf and an undisclosed amount of alcohol, I found my cell phone at the bottom of four inches of water in my cooler. I immediately knew that it was toast. After sharing a clubhouse laugh someone told me that if I had kept it in water and taken it to be repaired that there was a way they could salvage it. I don’t believe that there is any truth to this. I do have a question of doubt because I have heard it on separate occasions. Would you please confirm or deny my doubt.

Well you got the wrong forum, maybe you should read the FAQ before posting.
BTW it is true that a completely wet cell phone should taken in the water to be repaired as it prevents oxidation of important parts.
And oh, welcome to the board.

Hi jprince. Welcome to the boards. Please read the FAQ before you post. This question should have been posted in the General Questions forum.

Here’s your answer :


Keeping it in water will not help. It is distilled water that you need to put your cell phone in (after taking out the battery)

Question answered. Mods may close or send to GQ. Thread linked above was quite recent though.

Welcome to the SDMB, jprice. The ATMB forum is for technical questions about this message board. General Questions is the appropriate forum for factual questions like this one, but since it has come up so recently, I’ll close this thread. If you need clarification on this topic, I direct further comment to the earlier thread (linked to above).

moderator GQ