Celtic Church

i seem to recall one of the Dopers posting something about being a member of the Celtic Church, which had been driven underground many years ago. Could someone give me some data on the subject?

The poster is danielinthewolvesden.

Yer pal,

Six months, one week, 12 hours, 8 minutes and 16 seconds.
7620 cigarettes not smoked, saving $952.53.
Extra life with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 5 days, 11 hours, 0 minutes.

I slept with a moderator!*

IIRC, Danielinthewolvesden is Celtic Christian.

As for what I know of them: not much. Back when Christianity had just made its way into Ireland, and the West of Scotland, there wasn’t really a single big Catholic church as such. Later on, there were moves to unite the Celtic church with the church in Rome (or more to the point, to acknowledge Rome as the centre of power for the church). Some folk didn’t like this idea, while others thought a united church would have a strengthening influence.

I don’t recall anything about them being ‘forced underground’ (puns about their cells excepted) but of course I could be wrong.

Oh, just found a URL with something: check http://hometown.aol.com/stciarans/index.html and see if that’s got any detail.

Daniel can expand upon (or correct) this but as I remember:

Original Celtic Church: Common in the English Isle’s through early church history. Almost wiped out by the Saxony Invasion in Mid 400’s A.D. Most of the remainder joined with the Roman Catholic Church in 663. Synod of Whitby. Major force in unification was Augustine.

Splinter Celtic Churches remained. Current Celtic Church broke into two factions just recently. IIRC it was regarding participation in Communion. All Christians participating or only those accepting Celtic Church beliefs.

I believe the major remaining church is the Anamchara Celtic Church. Has many of same beliefs and practices as Roman Catholic but closer to Eastern Orthodoxy.

No infallibility or primacy of any Biship (including Pontiff of Rome.)
Priest may marry and Women may be ordained.
Beliefs regarding Original Sin are somewhat different but I don’t recall quite what it was.

Thanks guys. I guess I’ll just track Dan down and get the inside story as it were.

Barker is pretty correct as far as the History goes. There are a LOT of different “branches” of the Celtic Church. The most Conservative could fairly be characterised as liberal Catholics (but there is no “Pope”, per se)(sometimes called the “Free Catholic Church”). The most liberal are sometimes called the “Mystical Celtic Church”, which is very close to wiccanism/neopaganism but with JC as the central figure of worship. Some get close to Unitarianism, but with Christain overtones.

Very tolerant & non-judgemental.

Early, was sometimes called the “Culdee Church”.

Ask me anything, but remember I am not an official spokesperson, as if there was one.

Just to pick nits, it would probably be the other way around. There are Christian UU, for example. Not a ton of them, but they are more likely to feel as you do (from what I gather about Celtic Christianity) and how Polycarp does as well.

As long as one worships Jesus, they are a Christian. However, they may choose to worship Him in the UU setting.

In fact, given the lack of places of worship for Celts, my guess is that a lot of people who follow this path wind up at Uniterian churches for fellowship and prayer, if not the really liberal Christian faiths such as Methodist and Episcopalian.

Yer pal,

Six months, one week, 22 hours, 16 minutes and 9 seconds.
7637 cigarettes not smoked, saving $954.64.
Extra life with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 5 days, 12 hours, 25 minutes.

I slept with a moderator!*

I will go along with satans “not nit-picking”. Not entirely how I would put it, but close enuf for Gov’t work.

Mind you, that is not for all Celic C. The Mystical branch are very close to modern neopaganism, and the “free catholic branch” is liberal catholic.

Thanks all. I’m writing a story in which the major cities in England are taken out by nukes. I’m looking for a new mainstream religious organisation to be based in Scotland, the new centre of power. It sounds to me like the Celtic Church fits the bill wonderfully. Especially the mystic tendancies, as I intend to bring magic into the story a little way down the track.

Scotland the center of power? I like it. But only if the true seat of power is in the Highlands or the Islands.

At the moment I’m thinking Stirling might be a good place. Any thoughts.

Stirling’s pretty far south - all that nasty fallout, y’know. How about Inverness?

Considering the army bases in Scotland, isn’t it more likely that Scotland would get nuked? I suppose maybe the Highlands would get by OK…

Of course, the ideal religious centre would have to be Iona, no? :slight_smile:

Note that the Celtic Church made Saints out of a couple Celtic Gods, the best known being St. Bridget. There is a great book, called “How the irish saved Civilization”, very poplular- which gives a good early history.

In the “Bruce trilogy” by Nigel Trantor, the Dewars of St Fillan come to recognize Bruce, after he was cast out by the catholics.

Thanks again. Those placing nukes were hippie types, opposed to evil industry and rich merchants. Military installations didn’t figure very large in what they were pleased to call their minds.
The religious centre would definitely be Iona.
I’m chosing Stirling at present to placate those English remaining. The nukes are low-yeild, ground bursts, so the damage is relatively localised. As it is the English civilian population still outnumbers the Scots, and they have to put up with a blatantly Scottish king. The king also does not wish to alienate the other Celts in Wales and Ireland.