Census to show first decline of white population

The decline was .02%, so not a lot, but I expect some freaking from… certain quarters.

Could be an opportunity here. Tell everyone it’s because of COVID deaths to get the vaccination numbers up?

Crap, I missed this thread earlier and posted something similar elsewhere.

The numbers make sense. About 2.7 million people die annually in this country and they will heavily skew old and white. There are four million births every year, give or take (that’s another issue altogether), of which about 51% are “minority.” The annual white population loss accelerated during the last four years to a net negative of almost half a million. That number will level off at some point in time.

This trend might be the root cause of much of our current political and cultural divide. The traditional majority seems to be having a little problem grappling with the inevitability of governing an extremely diverse populace.

When I say this, I don’t mean to make the typical “demographics is destiny” argument (though I’ve probably made it more than most). Who knows how minorities will generally vote in the future?

Yeah, it makes sense that ‘certain quarters’ were so focused on jiggering the census such that people unlike them would have a harder time getting counted.

I would be interested to see how other diverse countries with large immigrant populations that were traditionally white-majority are comparing. Like the U.K., Germany, Australia, and France.

I think, though, what we are beginning to see is a shifting of the racial boundaries. The second generation family named Rodriguez is slowly following the path of the second generations of Vigliottis and Kuszinskis from a century earlier.

It could be that the future political/cultural divides will revolve more around gender and education.

“The U.S. is rapidly moving toward a majority-minority population.”
So says the quoted Axios piece, but isn’t that a distortion? Even if/when we get to a point where “non-Hispanic white people” are no longer more than half of the USA, won’t that group still vastly outnumber whatever group is in second place? Some white-supremacists go around thinking they’re going to become a persecuted minority, and it just doesn’t hold water.

As a non-Hispanic white guy myself, I’m not worried.

Yes, whites will be a plurality long after they cease to be a majority.

If I were a white American, I would certainly denounce these immigrants coming in and taking ovder the country. :roll_eyes: :nauseated_face:

I think this is an important point. Historically, “whites” have been pretty flexible about absorbing previously-regarded-as-non-white ethnicities when necessary to maintain their numbers. Irish, Italians, Poles, etc. were all the focus of nativist white bigotry until there weren’t. Here in Texas, there’s basically no difference between a fourth generation Latino and your average Bubba besides a surname.

I suspect this is the reason behind the political right is gong off the rails lately. It’s a despite attempt to hold onto power and the ‘American way of life’ as they know it by people who have bought into the concept of US society where while men are on top. Yes we have white supremest, but there are a lot more people who just accept a dynamic that while men are at the top as a subconscious norm*. It is at the point where the wounded animal has been backed into a corner, so the most dangerous time.

  • there is a fb meme going around right now in my local circles where women realize they always tend to yield while walking to men who learn not to alter their direction, who somehow have this while man’s right of way. These women make an effort not to alter their way and some have reported bumping into the guy who also didn’t yield.

One of my friends observed that in Israel, when you went up to the counter at a shop, children were served first, men second, and women last. Not like in Melbourne, where the default order is Women, Men, Children.

I’m mostly not rude enough to bump into women who expect right-of-way three-abreast on the footpath, but I’m expected to move off the path onto the grass. I walk with my son to his school 4 days a week, so there’s always people sharing the footpath, and in this city, in this country, I certainly don’t get any kind of white-mans-right-of-way.

In some hypothetical diverse future, Every couple will be diverse, and every child will be of mixed ethnicity. They will then be increasingly dissimilar shade of brown. Diversity will then be zero, with no-one of visibly different ancestry to mate with. The miracle of diversity will be lost forever. All restaurants with the same fare. Then what?

Don’t worry - climate change will have destroyed human civilization by then.

We must keep the races separate, amiright?

If everybody were all the same skin color, why on earth do you think that means they’d all want to eat the same food? or all do the same anything else?

So the first half of the answer to that question is, the miracle of diversity will keep right on going.

And the second half, unfortunately, is that people who want to hate or to despise other people will choose some other difference to pick on; which will make no more sense than skin color, but which they’ll manage to get to serve their purposes.

Where did you pull this from?

I had coincidentally read an Atlantic article about this not long ago that takes the stance people should quit casually throwing around the claims of America becoming “majority-minority” since in the author’s view it doesn’t really describe reality, and feeds on nativists “replacement” fears.

The Myth of a Majority-Minority America - The Atlantic

Firstly - are you sure you meant dissimilar?
Secondly - genetics doesn’t work that way.

Are you sure? I thought genetics was like mixing paint.

The Irish, Swedish, and Germans all have similar “shades” of skin color. Do they all have the same cuisine? How about white people in Bangor, Maine vs Norman Oklahoma?