Centurion: the new Neil Marshall movie

Couldn’t find a thread on this. i just saw it and was pleasantly surprised. It’s a lot better than Doomsday, not that that’s a high bar. The acting and dialog were pretty good and there’s plenty of gory action. It’s obviously very low-budget, and some plot points don’t make sense, but if you like action movies, it’s worth a look. Basically it’s quality cheese. I give it a B-.

Anyone else see this? It really is better than the reviews made it out to be, IMO.

I gave my opinion of it over in this thread, which was mainly about why the movie received such a limited release.
Here is what I wrote in that thread:

I saw it on HDNet too, and I agree with most of Tangent’s review. It showed promise at the beginning, but the 2 most interesting characters

the General and his right hand man, are quickly written out of the movie - I especially hoped/thought the RHM would be one of the survivors involved in the rescue attempt.

Centurion Dias’ Pictish accent was just terrible though.

It was pretty damn mediocre. Tangent’s review is spot on. This is the kind of movie I would only watch late at night when nothing else is on the tv.

I was wondering if two Roman soldiers, armed with swords, would really be afraid of a small pack of wolves…or indeed, if the wolves would even attack them to begin with.