Chances of Obama dying from a Biden gaffe?

Not “majority” as in “more than half”, AFAIK.

I thought Social Security was bigger. And if it is legitimate to talk about “medical spending” (meaning Medicare and Medicaid lumped together), I thought that was bigger than defense too.

Although I agree that failure to cut spending in general is the biggest failing of Bush and the Republicans who controlled Congress until a couple of years ago.


I wish I had a nickel for every “social liberal” I’ve seen using the words “hippie douchebag” when making his points.

Why, I’d have enough to cover the bottle deposit on my Fresca.

IIRC, defense is one of the five biggest issues, including payment on the national debt, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. However, if necessary Medicare, Medicaid, and SS could be cut, though it’d be political suicide even to think of reducing one of them. Defense cannot be removed from the budget: it is necessary for the protection of the country. It’s not the majority, but it’s a large part that really can’t be fucked with too much.

I’m not sure that’s always a good thing.

You can fuck with it all you want. Defense spending is not predicated on what we need to defend ourselves, and hasn’t been since the end of WWII. Modern defense allocation is based on which sector of defense contracting needs a cash injection. It’s about job creation (or preservation), not defense.

The F-15 is still capable of defeating any enemy* (ie. non-Western European) aircraft at a rate of two to one or better. Rather than upgrade it or design a better one, the Air Force spent zillions of dollars on the F-22- an aircraft designed to shoot down other aircraft that haven’t been designed yet (and may never be).

The Marines’ V-22 is a money pit, dangerous, and will probably never be effective in half the roles it was designed to fill. Did they cancel the program? Yep- at least three times, and each time it was reinstated for purely political (well, economic) reasons.

We could “defend the nation” and maintain a military capable of achieving the Pentagon’s bottom line goal (the ability to engage and defeat the next two most powerful states in the world at the same time) for half of what we spend, and probably less than that.

I really enjoyed your OP, right up until this line. It may not have been the greatest satire ever, but I thought it poked good fun at how insane we are all being about Palin. The problem with it is that the diatribe afterward sort of cut the legs out of the bit.

The thing about comedy is, if you explain it, it isn’t funny.
Try to remember that for next time.

I agree. I’m a little disheartened to see the extent to which many people here equate foot-in-mouth disease with outright stupidity, and associate physical ailments and clumsiness with incompetence. with regard to the latter, in one of the Palin threads people were defending her by saying, Well Bush Sr. threw up on the Japanese PM, and Gerald Ford fell over, etc. But they were not stupid or, necessarily incompetent, however much you agree with their politics or not. Biden comes from small town, lunch-bucketworking-class roots; in fact he’s from John Updike country, where the cars need washed and the lawns need cut ( :smiley: ). Small mill towns fifty years ago usually harbored provincialist attitudes that would not be politically acceptable today, and, just as importantly, turns of phrase and use of words which, then and there, was considered the height of enlightened interracial brotherhood, but now make us cringe.

Even Obama has been the subject of one or two of Biden’s gaffes; long ago, when Biden was still a candidate for President, he referred to Obama’s “articulateness”. (Clearly he’s been forgiven.) A great many white people don’t understand how offensive the word ‘articulate’ is to African Americans in this context, but they don’t use it to be racist. They use it because they misunderstand the meaning of the word. They should say “eloquent”.

Having foot-in-mouth disease doesn’t make Biden an idiot. I would bet my life that if you asked Joe Biden what magazines and newspapers inform his political philosophy. He wouldn’t say he has “a vast number of them”, or “all of them”, as Palin did during the latest fiasco with Katie Couric. She reminds me of Bertie Wooster being asked which of an author’s books he likes best. And she was a journalism major to boot.

I can’t imagine how your constant attacks on Obama and defense of McCain get you painted as a McCain defender. Damn kneejerk liberals

You should probably direct this parody instead to those McCain-hating commie liberals like George Will.

Oh, come one, let’s be honest here - when you take 5 years at 4 different schools to complete a bachelor’s degree in journalism, you’re not exactly a person of letters.

Even if we take into account the duration she took off in the middle of this absolute whirlwind of a curriculum in order to fulfill her duties as Miss Wasilla (and - let’s give her credit where credit’s due - as second-runner up and Miss Congeniality in the Miss AK pageant).

Oh, and as regards the OP - epic fail. You could take all the Biden gaffes you can find, and they wouldn’t come close to touching the slips that McCain and Palin have both made. Why? Because Biden’s gaffes (and he has indeed made some doozies) rarely indicate that he is both massively underinformed about the current state of the world, or out of touch with the common voter.

Unfortunately, McCain and Palin have both made some very troubling gaffes.

McCain: “At least 4.” (how many houses he thought he owned - he was off by 3)
McCain: “How about $5 million?” (when asked where the line between middle class and rich was)
McCain: No quote - the recent flap about his not knowing who Spanish Prime Minister Zapata was.
Palin: “I’ll have to get back to ya on that one, Katie. . .” (pretty much any hard factual question)
Palin: “I said ‘No!’ to the Bridge to Nowhere.” (what Nowhere? this Nowhere, apparently.)

I’d look for more Palin examples (and they are legion), but I’m aggravated enough as it is today.

With RR’s awesome parody skillz, he could probably have helped the Right-Wing-Daily-Show last another episode!


Well, she says she was a journalism major. But since she’s refused to release her transcripts as well, I guess that’s another thing for which we’ll just have to take her word.

Well, she may have been a journalism major in 6 different colleges! How experienced is that?

Zapatero, not Zapata… :slight_smile:

OK, I’ll agree with you that I have a horse in this race, but I think my horse is of a different color than many McCain/Palin supporters’.

By “people” I’m sure you mean “Obama taint-lickers,” and I agree with your assessment.

I believe it’s a requirement of the rules of this here messageboard, sir.

:rolleyes: Thanks for excepting me from this sentiment. Just so there’s no misunderstanding, I’ll explicitly except myself.

If you’d care to support an argument that the Democrats are more fiscally conservative than the Republicans, I’d sure listen. Fiscally conservative mind you, not fiscally responsible (whatever that means really).

‘Bout what I’d expect from a hippy bag o’ douche.