Characters from different fictional universes who would be instant best buddies.

Jack Ryan and President James Marshall.

No, Bruce Wayne would dislike Sir Percy intensely. The Pimpernel and Don Diego would get along so well that everyone else, even Edmond, would feel left out.

Nope, Edmond Dantes would.

This one is too simple to be fair. Louie De Palma and Frank Reynolds.

Sting and Robocop

oh wait, that actually happened…

Han Solo and Indiana Jones

Oooh, Indiana Jones and Allen Quartermain.

Superman and Goku.

Please excuse me if I’m being too presumptuous. But in case anyone is curious just who these people are,

Count de Monet is a character from the movie History of the World Part One (1981) (an extremely funny movie). Next time you are in the mood for a comedy, if you’ve never seen this, I’d like to recommend it to you. I’m certain you will enjoy it.

Hedley Lamar is a character from the movie Blazing Saddles (1974). It is another vrey funny movie. I would doubt that most people have not heard of it. But if you haven’t ever heard of it, I would like to recommend that you see it because it’s a great movie.

Once you see these two movies, I don’t think you will ever forget either one of these characters.

I’ve always wanted to see Rocky and Rambo get together

Dr. Henry Metzger and Kujo.

Dave Lister and Starlord.

I think Rambo would get along better with Bullwinkle.

Dr. Isaac Yankem, Fake Diesel, and Kane.

Redcloak, from Order of the Stick, and Duv, from Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes.

Impossible Man would absolutely love to team up with Mr. Mxyzptlk. Even better if you add in The Great Gazoo.

And just imagine the hijinks if they met “Chunk” from The Goonies.

Those three are all from the same universe.

People, can we get past the “Hey how about these two guys who just happen to be played by the same actor?” It was funny once. Not twenty times.

Patrick Bateman and Gordon Gekko.

Mark Renton and Jim Morrison.

Alfred Pennyworth and Coleman.

The Thing {Benjamin Grimm} and Hellboy would probably get on great. Usagi Yojimbo and Tintin likewise.

Hannibal Lecter and The Purple People Eater.