I’ve heard Mr. Heston speaking out on the subjects of honour, sacrifice, history, and the armed forces. I was wondering, what sort of army record did he have? Did he actually see action in any armed conflicts? Did he serve at all… or was he just like John Wayne who was only in the army in the movies?
I’m pretty sure he was in the Navy in WWII. I don’t have time to do the research though…
Whats funny is in the 1960’s he was known for being “liberal”; he was in the March on Washington, and once was in favor of fun control after Bobby Kennedy was shot.
Haha I meant “gun control”.
To my knowledge Mr. Heston has never campaigned against fun.
According to Microsoft’s Encarta Encyclopedia, Charlton Heston joined the Army in 1944, and spent three years in the Army Air Corps. He saw some action in as an Air Corps gunner toward the end of the Second World War, but rarely speaks of it, and has never made any grand claims of heroism.
So, feel free to trash Mr. Heston if you wish, but you’ll have to find some other grounds for attacking him than cowardice. He DID serve in the armed forces, and did take part in some genuine combat.
Charlton Heston (John Charles Carter) served in the Army Air Corps in the Aleutian Islands during WWII. AFAIK, he never saw any conflict. I recall a speech he gave to to some military function (including lots of brass), in which he said that he felt out of place as he was only a Sergeant during his service.
When fun is outlawed, only outlaws will have fun. You can have my fun when you can pry it out of my cold, dead fingers. Fun doesn’t kill people, people kill people. Etc.
Beat to the punch by posters more informed than I. And though this is not IMHO, I honestly think that to say Heston joined Dr. King because he was “liberal” at the time is unfair. Maybe I’m naive, but I think the fight for civil rights encased liberal and conservative. You marched not because of a political bent, but because you were a decent human being trying to gain rights for all people, regardless of your political leanings. At least I hope so.