You really need to ratchet up your deductive thought on this issue, rathing than using just a straight reading. Charles Rangel (D-NY) has repeatedly proposed instuting the draft, not to get MORE people in wars, but to get LESS people in wars. If there’s a draft, every young man in the country is potentially a soldier, and there will be a whole helluvalot less support for throwing troops around willy nilly.
If push came to shove, and this really came to a vote and his vote mattered, Rangel would vote no on his own bill. He has no desire to actually institute a draft. This is, and always has been a stunt; he is making a point.
Note to self: For next rant, make sure that I spell the name of the object of my ire correctly. Otherwise, I end up looking like I have no idea what I’m talking about.
Good idea, but in the case of the OP, it should be “Note to self, next time I start a rant, make sure I have some fucking idea of what the hell I am babbling about”. :rolleyes:
Stick it up your ass DrDeth. When I started this thread, CNN had an article about Wrangel and his plans to reintroduce the draft (again). (Sorry for lack of cite, I was tired, sue me). I knew it didn’t have a chance of going anywhere, and I knew he’d done it before; in today’s Newsday (Long Island’s Tribune paper), had a piece on this, and how Schumer and Clinton were distancing themselves from Wrangel’s “concept”.
I dislike politicians who waste time with legislation slated to go nowhere. He’s got a hundred other issues to contend with in his district; he should start working on something important to his constituents.
ISTM that Wrangel has a major case of Der Stupids for this draft proposal and just couldn’t wait to get out there and make a fool of himself with it, which he did. Reflects badly on the Dems now. I’m hoping he’s getting an earful from his brethren in Congress on this one. I’m pretty sure that hope is being fulfilled.
Fuck you for being an idiot, Mr. Wrangel. You’re absolutely right about the children of the wealthy and the leadership in our society needing to go out on the front line when they declare war, along with the children of the poor and the middle class. But the spin this proposal is getting is absolutely, totally predictable. The right wing media have been doing this stuff for decades. You should know better, you stupid fucking idiot.
I can’t believe how people ignore the very simple point he’s making. With an actual draft in place, people will be more hesitant to elect leaders that are too eager to get us into stupid wars. Too many people in this country treat our all-volunteer armed forces as pawns. These are actual human beings, with families and friends. They deserve more respect and shouldn’t have to risk their lives for wars started due to bad or fabricated intelligence. He’s not wasting time. He’s making a very important point.
The only point he’s made is “I’m too bloody stupid to act like a grownup now that my party is actually in a position to start governing instead of just posturing.”
You had me until the last two sentences. What spin? That it’s an idea opposed by most Repubilcans, most Democrats, most Americans, almost everyone at the Pentagon? That’s not spin, that’s a fact.
Who is ignoring the point he’s trying to make? We all know what the point is, it’s just that we disagree with it as a policy matter. Maybe he should spend his time trying to convince his fellow Congresscritters to do their fucking jobs and quit tilting at the draft windmill. We’re not bringing back the draft. Period.
I believe his concern is that many of his constituents (Harlem) are more likely to join the Army out of economic necessity and will therefore be placed in harm’s way more readily than if the Army drafted from across all socioeconomic classes.
He’s looking out for them but arguably in a way that’s going to generate a lot of negative publicity as well, quite likely more to the overall party detriment than benefit.
Exactly. And he knows damn well that his stupid bill about reinstating the draft isn’t going to pass. Which is why he should shut the fuck up about this, and work with other Democrats in Congress to try to get some things done that actually might help his constituents.