As much as I aree with your sentiment, why, exactly, do you think it is the goal of anyone involved to end the violence in Chechnya? I doubt the Russians did it, personally: its not their style. But I could easily see a rogue Chechen faction doing this, and iwon’t discount a Russian theory out of hand. But neither side wants the violence to end until they win.
This particular idea - which I think started with liberals and is stronger there, but nevertheles appears everywhere - that violence is bad and that therefore the goal should be to stop violence, is ultimately counterproductive. no action of any outside party to a conflict can succeed so long as the impetus to violence remains. You must keep the actual parties to it seperate or actually resolve the dispute. otherwise, no action has any meaning. We saw this is Somalia and many other places. You can’t treat violence as an end - it remains ultimately merely means.