Cheerios airs commercial with multiracial family. I'm sure you can guess what happens next.

True, and nobody bats an eye at white men/Asian women couples either.

I watched it on the OP’s link and the ending actually made me Let’s go to the quarry and throw stuff down there!

Fuck the haters.

It’s not even remotely controversial. It’s pure genius on their part to give consumers an electronic windmill to chase.

On the 8th day God gave us free advertising. And it was good.

That would be for the colorful people of the Planting Peace project to eat.

(tl;dr: The group who bought the house across the street from the friendly Westboro Baptist folks and painted it up in Roy G. Biv colors.)

BTW, has anyone else noticed that Cheerios also has a campaign in which their Cheerios boxes contain little booklets with illustrated children’s stories in both English and Spanish?

I saw one last week titled “The lost (and found) toy balloon.”

IIRC, the Spanish was “El globito perdido y encontrado.”

ETA: It featured a very Hispanic-looking little child who ties a note to a balloon and lets it loose to see if anyone would find it. A little white-looking girl finds it, and they become friends.

But wait! It gets better! The very Hispanic-looking little child is named Molly O’Doon. :dubious:

Anyone who pictured Rue as an “innocent white girl” while reading The Hunger Games is for sure stupid enough to be a racist. At best they have no reading comprehension. It’s 100% obvious to non-stupid people that Rue and Thresh are both black.

Good for Cheerios for the ad. Good for them too for disabling the Comments. If everyone maintained their YouTube pages properly by deleting nasty comments, or heading them off by approving comments before they’re posted, or, if it’s too late, to just disable them, there would be no asshole YouTube comments. The assholes would all have to stick to Yahoo stories.

When I saw the title of this thread, I assumed it would be a roll-eyes commentary about how this kind of advertising has become so commonplace as to be trite, or perhaps self-congratulatory. I didn’t imagine it would be about antebellum troglodytes who must have discovered cryogenics 150 years ago, and just thawed themselves out last week.

On a related note, when is The Loving Story going to be available on Netflix?

The commercial is basically sweet, sappy, and ordinary. I don’t see anything wrong with it:(.

If people thought this is bad, wait for this idea. What if General Mills, Cheerios ad crew, or any company want real controversy. ultimate pushing the envelope or trolling :D, use a gay or lesbian couples being served or helped by their children. That will a lot more viewers coming with torches.

I hope some ad executive does this :wink: when though it is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Actually, they all started out as white, until some of them started eating some other brand of cereal . . . and they turned black.

Have you read “Catching Fire”? I have, and felt it was by far the best of the trilogy. Anyway, I totally pictured Beetee as being a skinny white guy with a crew cut, and he will be played by a black actor in the movie.

I don’t remember Thresh being black in the book, but Rue definitely was.

As for You Tube comments being the cesspool of the Internet, it’s nothing compared to the old Yahoo boards. Some of them were doozies, except there was one topic that was troll-proof for reasons nobody could quite figure out. Any story about Van Halen - good heavens, we could INVITE the trolls and they didn’t show up! :confused:

Bridesmaids had a black husband / white wife couple, along with their (marriage-aged) daughter. As in nearwildheaven’s example, the racial angle receives no mention at all.

It’s available, although it’s on “Long wait” status. It’s in my queue too.

You aren’t being mean, and that was a mini-rant on my part.
But some of my older friends marched and rallied against this kind of silliness.
I suppose I expected a more utopic future.

We don’t have a moon-base, either. <sigh>

Am I the only one to come out and admit that I hate Cheerios after watching that commercial?

Sure I’ve hated Cheerios since I was a kid but I thought another perspective was needed.

This may help:

You… you… anti-toroidist!

So…forgive me if I didn’t have the courage to look at the comments myself, but do I understand correctly that most of the racist comments are bashing the white person for marrying a black person? Are there any comments giving the black person a hard time for “betraying” black americans and being a “oreo” ?

“Much more OK” is not the same thing as “OK”. I still run into plenty of people who are not OK with it. My parents are still not “OK” with it.

When I first saw the commercial, I saw the little girl, and my first thought was “Hm, she looks mixed.” Then I saw the dad, and I thought, “Good job, Cheerios!:cool:” I was going to rewind the DVR to show my wife, but she was in the shower.

Then I totally forgot about it until I read this thread today.

PSXer, giving in to the bigots is itself just another form of bigotry.

No, no. The correct answer is: