Cheesiest music video ever

You’re insane. That was an awesome video! I distinctly remember it being something I waited for hours for it to come on MTV…

(watches video for the first time in two decades)

Now that…that’s not…I don’t…

My 12 year old self and I have a lot to talk about.

One word: A Flock of Seagulls. Oh wait, that’s four words. And I’m not sure if it’s more cheesy or just totally awful. And while I here I’ll just pit them for draging a cool band like the Stranglers into their pit of suckyness.

My usual answer to the question is Lick It Up by KISS.

That David Hasselhof vid is pretty bad, but somewhat redeemed by its own self-awareness. Unlike some other deluded, pathetic posers

But if we’re going to open the door to ironic self-parody, prepare to have it blown off its hinges by the Genius that is Gunther.

“champagne, glamour, sex, and respect”

For sheer cheese, it’s tough to beat Patty Smyth’s The Warrior. But I think Bonnie just about does it.

Wait, you think there is self-awareness in the Hasselhoff video?

jjimm, I hate to be a scold but you did a very dangerous thing by starting this thread. Don’t you realize the longer it goes on, there will be an increasing risk of some unfortunate Doper (or Dopers) being … [shudder] … Rickrolled!

That Bonnie Tyler video got a generation of porn-deprived gay teenagers through some dark days.

And that Scandal video rocks.

You people have no taste.

As best I can figure it out, Tyler is a teacher at a all-boy school. She’s feeling … urges … and she’s having a dream about her students. (You’re allowed to have nonsensical symbology in a dream sequence.) In the final scene, it’s the next morning and she’s awake and everything’s normal. But when she shakes hands with one of the boys she suddenly remembers “Omigod, I was dreaming about having sex with this kid last night.”

My offering for a bizarre video: Pat Benatar’s Shadows of the Night - what the hell did this song have to do with the Battle of Britain?

Aw, you killed the joke. Half the fun was in the video not making any sense, and now you had to come along and give us a reasonably plausible explanation of what it’s about…

Still, I’d like to know what’s up with the bird-boy, dancing ninjas, and flying glowing-eyed choir boy. Those go a little further than nonsensical symbology.

My nomination, if I could find a version of it online, would be Prince Charles’ (the short lived 80’s Prince imitator, not the Crown Prince) ‘SkinTight Tina’. I saw this on a channel that was yet to go into full production and so was showing mostly videos that MTV laughed off the air. Even by the low, cheesy standards of the 80’s, and by the low standards of videos shown on that channel, it was memorable for its cheesiness.

I wish I could describe it, flinging records. The singer tied up and a singing with a voice that was a bastard child of George Clinton and Morrisey hitting adolescence. A couple of fly girls saying ‘ooh’ ‘aah’ with no feeling behind them while hiding behind masks on a stick…

Cheese, pure cheese.

Well, while nothing can quite match the WTF quality of the OP’s selection (Though the Tunak Tunak Tun one comes close.) I will submit this for some mocking - if only for the focus on the swagger stick, while the line “some of them want to abuse you” is sung.

And how the Hell have we forgotten this one so long into the thread? It’s got to be a close second place for WTF moments!
BTW: How much credibility will I have left when I admit that I still like most of these songs, even if the vids are embarassing to remember liking? :smiley:

Don’t forget the stair dancing greasers and the loin clothed dancers surrounding her.

Of course, maybe the all boy school was the prestigious Mrs. Worcestershire’s School for Really F@#&*d up Sh#$.

Fool! Dancing ninjas need no explanation!

They can flip out and kill you before you can even blink! :smiley:

That was just creepy.
ETA: dotchan - HA! I’d like to flip out like a ninja, since that’s what they do (flash video). :wink:

I hate you.

I was introduced to this video recently (through another CS thread, in fact): “Knights of Cydonia” by Muse. It’s relatively recent, and awesomely cheesy:

Oh it’s awesome alright, but doesn’t it kind of disqualify a video when it’s intentionally cheesy?

Huh? I would hardly call those videos cheesy. They were awesome then, and I think they both hold up pretty well.

My submission? Journey’s air-guitar extravaganza–Separate Ways. Melodramatic much?

While we’re on the subject, does anybody know the story behind the Heaven’s just a funky moose “video?”

And I don’t know if this is cheesy. I don’t know what it is. But if you haven’t seen it, do check out Leonard Nimoy’s Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.