Cheesiest music video ever

You’re crazy. That’s a great video. A classic. Thomas Dolby was H-O-T (which may be the reason why I love the video so much :wink: ).

Oh? The camera focuses on someone other than Miss Yakamoto? I hadn’t noticed… :wink:

This video was voted #6 Worst Of All Time by VH1 and I still don’t understand why. Yeah, it’s a little dorky and low-budget, but I think it’s pretty cool.

As for pure cheese…well, somebody already mentioned The Safety Dance, so I’ll offer Ant Rap instead.

Oh, if it’s intentional cheese, I defy anyone to show me something more cheesy than this.

That is intentional cheese. Does not count.

Intentional Cheese does not count, people. Otherwise Electronik Supersonik trumps everything!

What some here don’t seem to get is that Total Eclispe, Sweet Dreams and Blinded Me with Science were not marginalized in their day. They were considered shining examples of the new art known as “music video”, whose stylings would endure snicker.

Somewhere out there is the video someone made in 1984 or thereabouts, same idiotic, pseudo-abstract style, to “Yesterday” by the Beatles, which will win the thread, but I can’t find it on YouTube.

For goofy, self-important 80s cheesiness, try We Built This City by Starship.

I had seen that performance exactly once, when it was originally broadcast. It’s remained a point of amusment between me and a friend all that time. Thanks for the link. :slight_smile:

That video was so bad that even when it premiered in the 80s I was like, “This has to be a parody, right?”

As soon as I saw the OP, I thought of “Total Eclipse of the Heart”. Awesome song but worse video ever.

Since that one’s already been mentioned, I’m going to nominate Buffalo Stance by Neneh Cherry. Great song, but really cheesy video. But it’s so chessy it works, and it provides a juicy slice of late 80s fashion and color scheme.

This scene from Family Guy makes a lot more sense to me now

I live to hear those words.


Considering the “quality” of some of the videos already posted, I’d have a hard time going ahead and saying this is the chesiest music video ever, but I think Cameo’s Word Up could at least get some serious consideration. I especially like the fact that Levar Burton is featured, as well as the nice use of picture in picture towards the beginning. Also, you know you’re in for treat when any video starts with the line “Cameo, don’t even think about it. Come out with your hands up. We’ve got the place surrounded.”

Ahem. It’s a wonder this didn’t get used in the soundtrack for Highlander, it’s such high quality.

Re TEotH, did Bonnie pull a train with all those 12-16 year old kids? How can something so cheesy be so creepy? it’s a mystery

holy SHIT I just watched this with my finnish boyfriend and I think its just patriotism but he’s trying to tell me there is nothing wrong with this video. I laughed REALLY hard. We’re too young but we’re going to find out the story on this thing from his parents.

Without a doubt, Billy Squier Rock Me Tonight .

No wonder I didn’t realise they were Canadian. As for it being a bad video - not to me - it looks exactly like what I see when I look out of my front door. :wink: And I like the blonde wench.

Aside from “I Love You Tender”, these videos have me convinced that the Finns are the whitest people on the planet.

Finnish YMCA cover

Finnish disco instructional video

Another very 80s video, with a style like Buffalo Stance

Haysi Fantayzee: Shiny Shiny

The absolute worst, though, has to be the Indian version of Thriller.