Chess training game - thoughts of Malacandra

Huh, from posts 18 onwards I’ve been one out with all the move numbers. Teach me to go rabbiting on about old 2ND lines instead of concentrating on what I’m doing.

When I get home, I’m going to quote you a quote from “How to Think Like a Grandmaster”. It’s got an amusing part where the GM is giving a speech about his premove thoughts and he says “You go over this line, but then you jump to that one, but it doesn’t work. So you go back to the first again- OK, here here, then here. And it disappears in your mind so you do it again. Then you find that that has a few interesting branches, so you do retrace your steps. But then you jump back to that second line which, still, doesn’t work. Your clock is just ticking and ticking and you get frustrated, so you just make a move that you hadn’t even considered yet.”

That’s what you sound like.

And yet, here I am, SDMB Chess Champion 2010 with five straight wins. Just to clue you in:

Like in my Round 1 game against him, I’m aiming at playing well enough to beat peeker. It should surprise neither him nor you nor the audience that this does not imply playing as well as I can.

Also,when playing a weak opponent I don’t aim to form too rigid a plan, because it is perfectly possible that he will at any time gift me an even better possibility than I had two moves ago.

Back to our muttons. peeker has played 14. b4, an anti-positional move and a highly optimistic one given his unmoved Queen’s Knight and Rook. I could continue comparatively quietly either supporting the c and d pawns or advancing them, whichever looked better - and neither looks bad - but I also have prospects for an immediate attack given his backward development, lack of centre control, and slightly under-protected King’s side. I have to beware of any line in which his Queen makes it safely to the h-file though as there is still a threat of mate on h7 if I move my Knight. For now it looks like I can safely play 14. … d4 and let him struggle to find a good square for his Queen so let’s roll with that. It also means he has even more work to do before he can bring his QN into play.

I’m just referring to what you’ve typed here. I just think it’s funny. I obviously have no idea what’s going on in your head.

Very few people have. :smiley:

But really, the position’s quite changeable so, beyond generalities like “Preserve material”, “Control space” and “Activate pieces”, I don’t need a definite plan right now. I do, however, need to watch out for tactical possibilities both pro and con (including that annoying Qxh7#). Under league time controls, I probably would have more need of a plan, but as things stand I can afford to weigh things up at each turn.

What you were describing above is “Kotov Syndrome” but I try not to succumb. :smiley:

Anyway… peeker played 15. Qg3 and I could perfectly well trade Queens here. With an extra pawn and better-placed pieces I would keep the upper hand in a queenless middle game. But I’d like my dark bishop off e7, and I also think that when I’m in a superior position I should look to maintain an attack rather than simplify. I can’t simply move my Queen off the diagonal unless I’m prepared to put up with 16. Bh6, but 15. … Bd6 addresses all of those problems and leaves White to figure out what to do about his h-pawn.

peeker played 16. Qh4, and after 16. … c4, putting the question to his Bishop, 17. Be4. Looking at the position, it doesn’t look as though taking it straight away quite works out for me, and I think I need a Rook on the e-file. Which one, though? It doesn’t look as though I need to fear any tactics involving a White pin on the g-file and Bh6, so I don’t need to worry about the Rook being shut in on f8, and I’d quite like the QR off the long white diagonal. On the other hand I can also see a future where I might want a Rook on d8 so I’d better earmark the QR for that duty. 17. … Rfe8.

eta: I see peeker’s rating has soared to 1100 after a recent win! :slight_smile:

If you have time to go back over that position, what are your thoughts on Ne4 in response to Qh4 (on move 12 or 13, not as played)? The knight may not be able to stick around there, but could you keep the queen on the run (or try to hold the knight that far forward with, say 13.Qh5 f5) ?

So instead of

13.Qe3 Qc7
14.b4 d4
15.Qg3 Bd6


13.Qh4 Ne4
14.Qh5 f5
15.f3 Ng5
16.Rxe6 Nxe6
17.Bxf5 g6
18.Bxg6 hxg6

Then the knight is hanging and mate is threatened. Now, this variation doesn’t HAVE to go like this, but the key element here is that after …f5, the bishop is hanging and facing a rook. The knight gets spooked by a little poke from f2-f3.

peeker played 18. c3. This forces me to do something about my advanced pawn couple - I don’t seem to be able to do better than push on to d3, creating a protected passed pawn. White still has no squares for his Knight, and his Rook is still shut in. For all that, my advantage is some way from resolving itself as a clear win. 18. … d3.

No, after 13. Qh4 I think 13. … Ng4 is my move. Then 14. Qh3, Nxf2 followed by 15. … Nxd3 and I’m two pawns up with the two Bishops. If 14. Qh5, g6; drives her to h3 anyway and the same tactic follows. I don’t fear the holes on h6 and f6 as my dark Bishop covers them easily.

In the line Chessic gives, though, I think White’s attack burns out after 19. … Ng7; 20. Bh7, Bf6; and I can get in Qd6 (or Qe8) and Raf8 long before the last two White pieces haul ass over to the King side. Then I may have some work left, but I have R v 2P in my favour.

Except you already rejected Ng4 … it leads to mate! (Qxh7). I don’t know how strong a move Qh4 is - I do think it’d be great in a more time-pressured game, since it’s easy for Black to miss or forget the mate threat. I imagine instead of f5 as I thought, 14. Qh5 g6 15.Qe2 works out better for Black - maybe Bg5 and the start of his own kingside attack, or continue pushing the c pawn forward.

laughs And I see from my notes I spotted this at the time, “but Ne4 looks fun-packed”. That’ll teach me to analyse when it’s past my bedtime. :smiley:

peeker played 19. Be3, making room for his Knight. Up to now he’s been playing well, but now he’s left his Queen overloaded - she has to guard both h2 and e4. I can take advantage of this: 19. … Nxe4.

peeker played 20. Qxe4, so I take the free pawn with 20. … Bxh2+. I’m two pawns up with the two Bishops, a protected passed pawn and better development, and his annoying mating threat is no more.

peeker played 21. Kh1. I have time to activate my last piece now so 21. … Rad8. I’m sure White would like to trap my annoying Bishop but he can’t do it safely, most glaringly with 22. g3???, Bd5 and his Queen is pinned.

Oy vey, he went for it. 22. g3???, Bd5.

…and that’s the game. Off to check the other thread now. :slight_smile:

jeebus, i was merely a puppet on a string.

i guess i’ll take a little consolation from the fact that he was worried about the mate at h7.

i just could never figure out how to get that stinking knight away from f6 to let me play it.

well at least i posted more than him so that also gives my a pyrrhic victory.