Chicago Tribune endorses Obama (first time they ever endorsed a democrat)

An update: Spokesman for Tribune Co. says endorsements were made at the local level and corporate had no say.

Bolding mine, from here.

Just fine, thank you very much. The Dallas News is (for me, anyway) notoriously right wing. I’m just not terribly familiar with the others.

(If anyone is wondering, the Frostbite Falls Fumigator, maintaining its high standard of apathy, is endorsing no one. A few weeks back, though, there was a rather nasty letter-to-the-editor taking umbrage with Palin’s fondness for moose stew. . . .)

Actually, the early SLTribune was a constant critic of the LDS Church. To quote

Not a hijack, but the SLTribune has never been a close ally of the Mormon Church.