By the very fact that I’m posting this, you can tell I went to work. Well, I’m AT work, not necessarily working.
But with the weather today, a lot of people didn’t go to work. Although my train this morning was packed to the gills; I stood all the way, which is a rarity for Metra. And from the looks of my office now compared to before lunch, a lot of people who managed to slog into work bugged out early. I’m loath to do the same, because the massive tide of people leaving work will be trying to stuff themselves onto hourly midday trains instead of the once-every-few-minutes schedule Metra maintains between 4:30 and 6:30. I’d much rather wait for the rush-hour timetable and give the county a chance to plow the road between the train station and my house.
So I’m doing an informal unscientific poll of Chicago-area Dopers:
Did you go to work today?
Did you take public transportation when you usually drive?
I drove from Rogers Park to Deerfield just like I do every day. my two installers couldn’t make it in (one lives five minutes from me:wally: ), and one of my two bosses couldn’t make it in either.
I tell ya’, this German work ethic they’ve been beating into me seems to have rubbed off onto me completely.
I’ll do the same thing tomorrow too.
What about us Milwaukeeans?! Hell, what about the whole MidWest?!
I’m cheating. I’m in Milwaukee. We’re getting pummeled, too, just as bad as Chicago. So I think I count for this survey.
Yes, I went to work today (otherwise I wouldn’t be posting)
Yes, I took public transportation (Bus…slid my way to work)
No, I will not be leaving work early.
The dilemma is this:
Do I walk 5 blocks to meet with my Professor tonight as originally scheduled, then walk the same distance back to the building in which I work where I am supposed to see a play tonight, then walk the 5 blocks back to catch the bus home
Do I just shluff the meeting off, knowing I will see her after the play anyhow, and stay in the safe warm building, only to venture out once in order to take the bus home?
The advantage to all of this? The boss couldn’t make it in from her residence-in-the-countryside. Oh darn.
Western Illinois here, and yep, we’re getting socked.
I closed us down for the day. Most of our employees and customers drive–public transportation is limited to spotty bus service. The blowing and drifting has pretty well shut most roads outside of a few downtown streets, and those are pretty awful too.
(This is when my beaten-up old 4X4 comes in handy. I had to go in anyway to check the boiler, take care of stuff, etc. The hardy old Bronco plowed right through.)
I drove to work, worked my ass off all morning and early afternoon to gets things done for a release to a customer later in the week. Got area-wide email around 2 telling everyone to go home. Luckily, I finished what I had to by 3, so now I’m home.
20 Minute commute (driving) took 1 1/2 hours and they told us to go home at Noon. Problem is, I’m supposed to fly out to Kansas City on business at 8:30 am tomorrow. I’m kinda thinking it ain’t gonna happen.