Chicken fat to slow digestion ??

What is chicken fat? Is it possible to buy chicken fat that that has the consistency of ‘dripping’ or lard? I want it to supplement my dog’s diet, to slow down the time it takes to digest his food. [He doesn’t always make it thru’ the night.]

Any other ideas (suitable for me as a vegetarian who can’t bear the smell of cooking animals in my kitchen) would be gratefully received. Thanx.

Roast a chicken and refrigerate the drippings - the top yellow cloudy layer is chichen fat while the bottom is stock which can be used to make stews and the like.

Thanx for reply but I did say "Any other ideas (suitable for me as a **vegetarian ** who can’t bear the smell of **cooking animals ** in my kitchen) would be gratefully received.

This why I am asking if I can buy a suitable source of chicken fat, or something else which may help my dog’s digestion slow down a little.


Check the “ethnic” section at the supermarket, or wherever they keep the Passover goodies. Many places will have tubs of shelf-stable rendered chicken fat, called schmaltz. Good stuff–Imake my own at home for frying up latkes and crispy potato balls.

Alternatively, check a good Jewish deli.

be wary of giving your dog too much fat if he’s not used to it. You can end up with explosive diarrhea and pancreatitis. I’d suggest checking with your vet first.