As if any of you care!
My good cat, Stupid, died about 8 months ago. We were going to replace her with a cat from the ASPCA but my husband’s co-worker’s cat got pregnant and he said he’d take a kitten.
And now the former Sebastian is coming tomorrow. He’s a black and white, just like Stupid and he’s 7 months old. Yay! I’m as giddy as a schoolgirl!
This was so mindless, so pointless. I had to share.
Well, I think that Chicken is just a fine and dandy name for a cat. We have the same kind of tradition in my family. My sister has a dog named Piggy and we used to have a dog named Kitty.
Pet news from our home:
On Thursday, a little, stinky, flea and tick ridden puppy wandered up to my work. I asked him if he wanted to come live with me and he said, “Okay.” Then I asked him if he was going to pee in my house and he said, “Aren’t I cute?” I said, “Yeah, you’re cute. Come on, get in the truck.” His name is Pie. He’s no good.
Hey Sophie, did he look cute when he peed on the floor? Did he look all sad and sorry or did he act like it was the best trick ever performed by a puppy? Or has the perfect time to pee on the floor not come yet?
Thanks slackergirl. And as for you Green Bean, you know it wasn’t me who did that. It was the non-English speaking plumber in cahoots with my evil landlord. Still, I will be ever vigilant the next time any non-English speaking plumbers come any where near Chicken.
It has only happened once, and I think he tried to tell us he had to go and we weren’t wearing our babel fish or something. He sent us a memo the next day:
To: Mr. and Mrs. Sophie
From: Pie
Re: Urination
I regret to inform the both of you that you guys are morons. I tried to tell you I had to go outside and you kept doing that, uh, thing you do. By the way, I’m totally grossed out. Shut the door next time. I’m only six months old or so and I shouldn’t have to be subjected to that. Mr. Sophie shouldn’t have yelled at me, and I will Have My Revenge.
I got a new kitty, too! He was a stray that was hiding in some stacks of rebar at my work. I spent a week coaxing him out of his hiding spot with food, and now he’s mine!
He is only about 6 or 7 weeks old. There was a cat that got hit by a car on the street in front of our plant, and I suspect that may have been mama cat
But, the story has a happy ending for wee kitty, we took him to the vet for a checkup, he is growing nicely now, and he has the run of the house.
Biggirl, I totally share your giddiness! Here’s to new kitties! Woo hoo!
My cat Marlin (yeah, he’s named after a fish) and ferrets Raisin and Twitch send their regards. Marlin, who is also black and white and feels that said color scheme is superior to all others, has a few tips he’d like to share with Chicken regarding psychotic rocketing from room to room in the wee hours combined with a rigid program of poking one’s keeper in the face when she’s overslept (like, any time after 3am) and it’s time for breakfast.
Sophie, Pie sounds like a really together kinda puppy
Oh, puh-leeze! Fido will tell you that all cats in the know are wearing stripes. And if that pattern happens to include a white ring around the tip of the tail, it elevates said feline to goddess stature.
[sub]Black and white. Sheesh Louise![/sub]
FWIW, I had a similar experience of a cat in the walls.
This one was a cat that I was cat-sitting while his human was travelling. Seems he found the hole in the wall for access to the pipes behind the bathtub. Didn’t take much for him to squeeze through there, around the inside of the bathtub, and then find his way through the inner workings of the house.
He had no intention of coming out, either, because he was freaked in general at being left with a bunch of strangers.
He went for days without being seen. We had put food by the hole, hoping to lure him out, and it would be eaten every other morning. All in all, there wasn’t much we could do.
Eventually, he came out, and my brother slammed a board in front of the hole.
The cat then spent the rest of the month hiding in the closets.
I am absolutely and totally crushed. Hubby comes sauntering home at 9pm, with no Chicken!. The kids and I scrubbed the litterbox and put nice crunchy litter in it. We got out the old cat bowls and filled them with kitty goodies and now. . …
So what he had a community board meeting to discuss the new half-way house for ex-convicts. Who cares about the vote for the new Habitat house? We Want Chicken! We Want Chicken!
“In a few days” he says. Like it already hasn’t been 8 months! I think the man just likes toying with us.