Child Labor Laws in Florida

I was wondering about the legality of a job I almost took. I almost had a job last summer, but decided not to take it. I was going to photograph auto parts for a company that lays out auto parts stores. But 1) They were smoking all of the time (I was sick for a couple of days after the interview), and 2) they wanted me to work 7 days a week, for 7-8 hours a day. They also didn’t want me to take more that 2 weeks’ vacation all summer. I was 14 when the interview took place, and I was going to be getting $7 an hour to photograph parts with a digital camera and render them on computers. The work was to take place at the guy’s house, not in a commercial building. So my question is, was this legal?

SanibelMan - My Homepage
I could be doing something, but… why?

The smoking is not legal. If you feel unsafe at all inj a workplace, you have the right to object, and they can’t fire you for it. However, i don’t htink this was a real employment, so it may have been legal in the sense that it wasn’t a real job, just an arangement between you and the guy.

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Don’t know about Florida, but some states have laws on how many hours minors are permitted to work, per day and per week. I don’t think it would matter if it was at house or a place of business.

There are usually limits as to the number of hours a minor can work, and also limits to the number of hours anyone can work without being paid overtime (In NY, once your work 40 hours, it’s time-and-a-half). In some states, you aren’t allowed to work (except in certain circumstances), if you’re 14.

Doesn’t sound kosher to me.

why doesn’t someone try looking at Florida’s labor laws to help answer the question? Not all states treat minors the same, many have exceptions to the general rule, and as for smoking in the workplace, that is all over the map from state to state.

On top of which, they might have tried to claim that the youngster was an ‘independant contractor,’ though that might have had some difficulty if the Labor Commission had intervened.