Child Porn V Rape

It still isn’t. According to this site only 15% of rape victims are under the age of 12.

Yup, but that has little to do with the number of rape victims available on video. For surely it is easier to rape a kid and release it on the internet than an adult?

How, exactly do you know how many “rape” videos are, or are not available anyway? :dubious:

Perhaps, but that’s meaningless. Read the Wikipedia article on pedophilia. Follow up its references to its primary sources. There are plenty of law enforcement and medical professionals who have spent their entire careers pursuing and treating pedophiles. There in NO mention in the standard literature of your idea that pedophiles are merely closet rapists. They really, really are sexually attracted to children.

(To be fair, it does seem than a small fraction of cases of sexual assault against children are perpetrated by men who are usually attracted to adults, just as a small fraction of gay sexual assaults are perpetrated by men who identify as straight.)

The “non-consensual” sex fetish is extremely common – there’s a whole market for it, and it’s nicely represented in the video world. I don’t know what you’re smoking when you say it’s not there. Consenting adults are able to play the part and produce said videos. Huge market. Supply and demand. Demand met.

I’m not really sure what it is you’re trying to prove or to get to, here. In fact, I’m thinking that the two crimes are actually relatively unrelated in some ways: pedophiles have a psychological profile that is relatively different than that of the rapist (usually – at least, career pedophiles).

Precisely. Pedophilia seems to be about the sexual attraction and sex. Rape is about power, control and dominance more than sex itself. They are two pretty different animals. The psych profiles for a pedophile and a rapist are quite different, and while a pedophile can be a rapist (by definition), the motives are not quite the same. Doesn’t make it any less vomit inducing or criminal or totally repulsive. :frowning:

Your entire central thesis is fallicious, to wit:*1. It is very difficult to get ahold of videos of real rape.
2. It is (apparently) fairly easy to get ahold of child pornography.
3. Real child pornography, by definition, involves rape.
4. Therefore if ones fetish is rape, one might have to settle for child pornography.*Child molesters and/or pedophiles do not, as a rule, indulge in forcible rape of adults. There’s no reason to believe that viewing videos of an adult being raped would engage or passivate a pedophile. Nor does it follow that a rape fetish indicates a coincident interest in child pornography, or indeed, that the fetishist is even interested in acting out on fantasies except in a roleplaying manner, if that. In technical terms, your argument is a false premise of logical syllogism and/or a fallacy of the undistributed middle, or to put it in terms more familiar to you, it’s “utter crap”.


What it comes down to:

Actually, what you have posted is pure anecdote*.

If this is supposed to be a denate, I’d really like to see everyone doing some actual research and coming up with genuine information rather than simply posting a buch of IMHO guesses and trying to establish a perspective based on an utter lack of facts.
*While it is popular in a few circles to equate sex with rape, this sort of personal projection onto history is negated by actual information. For example, many (perhaps most) polygynous societies have religious writings that discuss the requirement for the husband to make himself available to all of his wives–a condition that would hardly be discussed in such patriarchal societies if coitus was simply intended for male pleasure with no regard for the female. Note the number of points that are addressed regarding the satisfaction of the wife (polygynous or monogamous) in this selection of passages from the Talmud.

I vote equivocation on the meaning of rape between points 1 and 3.

Small British Shop Owner

Small snag in your master plan for freely available rape videos.
There not Lawrence of Arabia nor Black Hawk Down.

Pornography does not hold a heck of alot repeat viewing value.
Why do you think the porno studios generate 100s of hours of smut per week and put it on the shelves.
You watch a girl you like getting nailed in a scene then go looking for other films with that girl in. After watching 6 more scenes you get bored with her and go looking for someone else that has got your eye.
You would have to feed this market with your rape videos … which would entail intentionally making rape videos.
Can you see where your plan has fallen down now.
Creating crime to prevent crime is not the way it works.
Threat of punishment prevents crime, but some crime still happens regardless.
Rebranding the crime as something else doesn’t remove the original illegal act nor does it mean we should eschew the normal methods for curbing such behaviour.

Don’t feed the trolls

Nay, nay; we stuff them full of unpalattable reffuse and send them tumbling akimbo. Either that, or fuel their ostentatious blast off and meteoric fall like an Atlas IV rocket, leaving only a glistening layer of residue off the coast of Bermuda.


The OP’s theory falls apart over one very simple flaw:

It’s not illegal to buy rape videos.

Sure, they won’t be real rapes, but there’s a lot of legal pornography out there that features simulated rape, or rough sex that could easily be read as rape if the viewer were so inclined. It’s 100% legal, and it actually features what the rape fantasist wants to see: violent, physically coercive sex with adults. Child porn doesn’t provide any of that, plus it gets you thrown in jail if you’re caught with it. Why would a rape fantasist even bother with it?

Well, okay, it falls apart over a whole lot of very simple flaws, but that was the one I hadn’t seen anyone mention yet.

Do not call other posters “troll.” As a name-calling device, it is permitted in The BBQ Pit, otherwise it is prohibited. If you believe a poster is trolling, report it to the staff, do not publicly accuse anyone of trolling.

[ /Moderating ]

Meh, equivocation. You’re using the word “rape” too flexibly and drawing a connection unsupported by your facts. It’s akin to saying:

  1. Greebles like the colour orange.
  2. Oranges grow in Florida.
  3. Therefore, Greebles live in Florida.

Shoppie, that’s insane. To think an adult with rape fantasies of another adult will substitute child porn is just plain silly. That’s like saying if you deny a normal adult sex with adults and deny them adult porn, they will substitute child porn or child sex? I’ve gone stretches without porn or sex, and trust me, the three year old next door never started looking “hot”.

If you had made the point that a grown man would substitute a 15 year old if he can’t find adult sex, I’d be with you all the way- I’s say a good percentage of the people Chris Hansen busts would fall in that category. I can see “I tried dating that 15 year old cause I couldn’t find a woman my age to date”, but not a two year old.

No, “we” should not release rape videos to prevent child abuse.

Rape & child abuse are both illegal.

And anyone who would be entertained by “pretend” rape or child abuse is a sick fuck & a waste of protoplasm.

You think it’s weirder/worse to be sexually attracted to humans of a particular appearance (in this case a rather nonstandard one, but still) than to wish to force yourself sexually upon a nonconsenting person?