Children's Book Help

I am trying to track down a couple of books from my childhood and was hoping you could help. The first book was a series of 2 or 3 books about child hero who had a Scottish Terrier named Angus McAngus. This is NOT the book by Marjorie Flack - the main character is a boy and his dog is named Angus McAngus.

The second is harder to describe, but it has to do with Custer and the battle of Little Big Horn and is a picture book. It is drawn in kind of an abstract way. I actually saw it on sale at Barnes and Noble at Christmas a couple of years ago but never wrote down the title.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


The series with the dog were by Mark Taylor, I believe. I know one of them was called Henry the Explorer, if that helps any.

As for the Custer book, I’m stumped. Maybe someone else will be able to help with that one.

I think the first set of books you’re looking for may be the series of Henry the Explorer books? It looks like they may be out of print though…

Speaking of which … does anybody remember a children’s book that featured a dragon who lived with a suburban family and liked to eat scrambled eggs?

Look, George, look!
Run, George, run!