
It’s been awhile…but over the past few years, there are times when something in my throat will just lock up, and i cant get air in or out. Sometimes, if i put a lot of force behind it, i can barely get a little bit of air to go in.

The first couple of times this happend, i was asleep…and i woke up in this state, unable to breathe. However, it never happened to me again while i was asleep…instead, it happened numerous times due to some external stimuli. Such as food particles irrating my throat, or as a result of coughing, or if i get choked up on something.

When this happens, i am still able to drink and swallow…becuase it happened once when i was got choked on a soft drink, and i was still able to swallow the fluid, even though i couldnt intake or outake air. When this happens, it can go on for as long as 45 sec to a min…then i just kind of come out of it. But i’m afraid that i might not come out of it one of these days.

This hasnt happened lately, though everynow and then i can feel it coming on if i get choked or something irrates my throat. I had it checked out by a throat specialist, but he just said it was acid reflux irrating my throat. Well thats great, but that doesnt explain why it happens when an external stimuli irrates it. He also says i’ll always start breathing again, but i’m not so sure.

Does anyone else have this problem? Anyone know what could be done to stop this if it ever happens again?


It’s very good that you have consulted a throat specialist about this. But I would like to suggest that a second opinion is indicated here. I’m not a doctor and they even let me play one one on TV, but your condition doesn’t sound to me like acid reflux. It sounds possibly like Asthma or something.

Again, I think you should consult another doctor ASAP. But if you’re looking for info on the internet, maybe this link will help.

Well, I am a doc, and it sounds like you’ve got laryngospasm, the involuntary closing of the vocal chords. It may be that chronic reflux is causing it to happen, especially if it happened originally during sleep. Now the chords are twitchy, and can be triggered by other stimuli. It probably won’t kill you, because when you become so hypoxic that you lose consciousness, the muscles generally relax and you can breath again. However, I’d really recommend you see another doc, one who’ll evaluate you for and treat you for the reflux problem. Maybe a barium swallow to see just how much you are refluxing, then some acid blockers, and perhaps something like metoclopramide or propulsid to encourage the stomach to move the contents out the far end, rather than letting it back up. BTW, smoking, alcohol, and caffiene all will make the reflux worse. As will being overweight. Muscle relaxants will help the chords loosen up, but will make the reflux worse, causing the chords to tighten up, etc. etc.

Thanks so much for your replies. Quadgop, i did a search on that condition and found out a lot of info about it. I also found a messageboard of people with the same problem. It’s nice to know i’m not the only one that this happens too!!!
Thanks again,