Do you ever choose not to use technology when you can? Are there times when you prefer to do things the old-fashioned way?
I got thinking about this the other day. I had spent the day on my computer in my home office, slogging through a document that wasn’t particularly interesting. But with a deadline looming, I had no choice but to tough it out.
Late in the day, the doorbell rang. It was a woman trying to sell me on the idea of changing certain of our utilities over to another provider. “Here’s what you’re currently paying; here’s what you could be paying if you contract with us,” that sort of thing. It sounded like a good deal, but I won’t make that kind of decision myself; I’ll have to consult with my wife. Sine my wife was unavailable, we’d need some information for her.
So I asked, “Do you have a brochure you could leave that tells us all about your offer?”
No, she didn’t. “But if you have a computer, sir, the web address is–”
“No,” I replied. “I’ve spent all day today working on the computer, which is how I spend most workdays. I don’t want to look at anything on a computer screen if I don’t have to.”
She didn’t quite hear me, I guess. “Well, then, if you have an e-mail address, I’d be happy to send you some information.”
"No, I replied. “Well, I have one, of course, but I use it for work. Like I said, I don’t want to have to look at my computer any more than I have to.”
Maybe it was just the day I had, but I really did not want to use my computer for this (or indeed, for any) purpose. All I wanted at that point was to finish my client’s stuff and kick back in my favourite easy chair, preferably with a book or magazine, and a drink. I did not want to look at anything electronic, much less this information, which I would have gladly reviewed had it been available in a brochure.
But she seemed truly puzzled as to why I didn’t want to look at the details of this offer online, and wanted a brochure instead. The best she could do was to leave me a business card, but she took great pains to point out the URL of her company on it before she left.
Was my reluctance (okay, refusal) to use my free time and my computer to look at her online sales pitch out of line? Was my request for a hard copy brochure unusual? And do you think it is still okay, in this day and age, to choose not to use technology, if one doesn’t want to?