Christian Children's Fund: "Donations From You Satanic Gamers? Lord No!"

Meh, Gygax certainly knew how CCF felt about his Satan worshiping game and it still was his favorite charity.

I’m simply out of bile for religion.

so, still no new info about this? I’m still holding off on judgement.

I replied to the letter I got asking for more information, and so far there has been a deafening silence…

Crap. You *do *realize that you are going to cost me $300 a year from now on?

The site from which, as Silver Tyger Girl noted, I first heard about this has an update.

Bottom line: Someone screwed up, but good. Who it was, we’ll probably never know, but chages will be made in the organization.

Everybody knows the Satanic influence is in World of Warcraft these days.

Well, from what I hear it does gradually suck out your soul.