Christian divisions

I have never been religious so I don’t know a Methodist from Lutheran from a Jehovah’s witness. Is there a good site or other reference that would give me a brief description of the different factions? I don’t want an in depth analysis just what makes them different from other groups. I am sticking to just the christian faith for now.

Wiki does a fair job but you have to enter the religion you wish and do the comparison yourself.

Missed edit - I’ll add

For the largest part of Wiki links

Here’s a start, with a few major comparisons among a few major groups.

The term used by Christians is “denomination.” Maybe that will also help your search.

In that second link, they seem to use the LCMS to represent Lutherans, and not the much larger and more mainstream (less conservative) ELCA. I’m not sure how that affects the checkboxes, though.

Comparison of Catholic and Evangelical/Fundie beliefs.

A warning though: If you follow only the link comparing Roman Catholicism to Evangelical Fundamentalists, you leave out mainline Christian denominations.

Of course. It also leaves out Eastern Orthodoxy, and Mormonism, and Zoroastrianism, but they’re not in the article title. If I read the Qu’ran, I don’t expect koans.


You have to read the Koan-ran for that. I believe the Zensunnis use it.

Oh Shi-ite! :smiley:

Another good site is with separate general sections on general Christianity and separate pages comparing/contrasting various Protestant denominations or Protestant groups to Roman Catholicism.

Personally, I’ve always liked “brand”.

My childhood church was in the AFC Central.

If you walk with rhythm, and no sandworm is around to hear it, does it make a sound?