Christina Aguilera upset with her daughter's clothing choices

Christina Aguilera was on the Drew Barrymore Show yesterday and they started talking about the problem they’re facing policing their daughters’ fashion choices in light of how they dressed when they were younger. At one point Christina says ““My daughter wants to wear a crop top, too, and I’m just like, ‘Can we just pull it down?’”

Is this the height of irony, hypocrisy, or something else?

It’s the story of growing up.

Parenthood is one irony after another.


Also IIRC Christina Aguilera first became famous as a singer super young, so it could be a case of her saying “I was objectified sexually as a child, and realize now that it was a really bad thing, and I don’t want that for my children”. Which seems perfectly reasonable and not hypocritical at all.

If that’s what she meant that’s what she should have said.

What she did say just sounded clueless and hypocritical.

I sure don’t know what her intention was. But neither does anyone else.

Say what you mean, People!

even if that wasn’t the subtext. She sounded like… a parent. It is literally one moment after another of looking at your kids going “Damn, they literally doing the same thing I did at their age. That sucks”

Here’s the clip (1:27 in if it does go automatically). Sounds very self-aware to me. She’s literally calling out how she used to dress.

“Sometimes I open my mouth and my mother comes out.” – Every mother, ever.

IOW … Payback’s a bitch. :wink:

It’s the Drew Barrymore show. Gonna guess that her audience had a pretty good idea of the context and meaning.

And Barrymore herself was a child actress, so there’s likely a layer of understanding between her and Aguilera that didn’t need elaboration. If the audience was left a little confused, that’s unfortunate, but I suspect these two understood each other.