Christmas With William Hung!

Gotta wonder what tunes are gonna be on it.

No Christmas album is complete without Santa Baby.

Snerk Personally, I hope he does a cover of Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.

As Norm MacDonald once said, “Happy birthday, Jesus … hope you like crap!

Just imagining William Hung trying to croon a Bing Crosby Christmas classic like “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” or “White Christmas” – songs whose charm depends severely on the vocal quality of who’s singing it – is enough to make it all worthwhile.

Oh, thank god. When I first saw the title of this, I thought it was going to be some sort of TV special on FOX or something but it’s only a CD.

I really wish this guy’s fifteen minutes would just finish up already.

Feliz Navidad, for the Latino/a demographic.