Chuck Norris - World of Warcraft

Well, that’s gotta be better than a lack-knee whore…

I just wanted to say that I have never heard or read a Vin Diesel interview and my only exposure to him has been watching him in a few of his movies. I wouldn’t say I would have expected him to be a giant nerd but more to the point, I could totally see him being a D&D player.

My first thought was that it was a bad example. I can name people who don’t look to me like they’d be D&D players ( and Chuck would be one ) but I couldn’t say any of those people don’t play.

It could be that I haven’t seen Vin in the right movies though.

I don’t like the Chuck commercial though. I really didn’t know if they were even trying for a Chuck Norris joke because it really doesn’t sound like one. I guess it was because people here seem to think it was.

I don’t know any Norris jokes where they have to explain the setup before they give the punchline and by doing that, they ruined the punchline. Weird. Chuck Norris doesn’t imply so neither should his joke.

‘Chuck Norris doesn’t hunt; Chuck Norris kills’ would sound more like a Chuck Norris joke but it doesn’t really work too well either.

It is an extant Chuck Norris “fact”:

I’m sure the lily-livered ad execs at Blizzard made the copywriters drop the “killing” part from the commercial. Killing is bad, amirite? So the commercial actually violates the spirit of Chuck Norris. I’m surprised anyone survived.

Whether Chuck Norris facts “work” is beside the point. Chuck Norris facts are beyond the judgment of mere mortals. Chuck Norris facts are imbued with the spirit of Chuck Norris; they have the Norris-nature. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, any sane commentator would agree that Chuck Norris facts are generally inane, silly, poorly-thought-out, and juvenile. The rest of us agree, but would argue that those are positive attributes.

It’s pop-culture dada. You have to buy the premise, but once you’ve done this it’s quite easy to buy the bit. If you reject the premise, you’ll spend a lot of time shaking your head and mumbling in amazement or disgust. We’re ok with this.

I generally like Chuck Norris jokes so it isn’t an indictment of Chuck Norris jokes. I just don’t particularly like this one and I had never heard it before so it made the commercial seem worse since I thought they’d made it up for the commercial.

No biggie. Not every joke has to be a winner. Makes sense why they picked this one now though.

Meh, there’s no point dredging up history. If history disagrees with Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris punches history until history apologizes and meekly conforms.

I wish I had never gotten into the terrible, hackneyed lore. I keep on waiting for Blizzard to make Jaina and Tyrande awesome again and I keep on getting let down.

Yeah, bringing them back just to be slaughtered thousands of times a day by 5-man groups was definitely anti-climactic.

And every time I do that stupid World-Shaman quest with Aggra, I want to punch her in the kidney and tell Thrall to go back to Jaina. Although maybe he got tired of the logistical obstacles to that uh, coupling.

I dunno; on some level, in the logic of that particular instance, it works.

I certainly wanted to kill Murozond something awful for what he did to the future. He’s responsible for making whining miserable wretches of former heroes, and he definitely deserves to die. Repeatedly, if necessary.

BTW, say what you will about that instance, the actual Murozond fight is something impressive. Potentially annoying, but again, how often does the hunter get to resurrect the entire rest of the party WHILE THE FIGHT IS STILL ONGOING? (Yaay for inheriting the job of triggering the big-ass hourglass!)

Oh, it’s not even End Time that I’m complaining about.

  1. Tyrande has been AWOL through all of 4.2, save for Thrall’s wedding, where she shows up and stands behind Malfurion. This is sort of explained in the novels, but still.
  2. Jaina showing up for Thrall’s wedding, hiding in the back alone. Some people never even noticed she was there! I don’t even ship them, but come on, Jaina is the kind of person that would go up to them and congratulate them.
  3. The token female Jaina crying at ICC.
  4. Jaina spoiler for pre-5.0:

Theramore. Really. I’m not looking forward to this, because it should end with Jaina ramming her mage staff so far down Garrosh’s throat it comes out his ass, but that’s about a 0.1% chance. If Blizzard goes down the same path, big brother will probably swoop in with the Kul Tiras navy.

If Norris actually played, why would they use the typical celebrity endorsement ad style rather than actually have him say he plays it? And why would he deliver all his lines like someone who doesn’t know what he was talking about?

What, and break the habits built over a long career in film and television acting?

Because he’s not a good actor?