city folk what do you think about the bison?

I’m not city folk, and I’ve had just enough experience with cows to know I don’t want anything to do with bison.

Psst - I think you meant “kitchen”.

When we were in Yellowstone a few years back, we were able to watch a wolf trying to detach a bison calf from a grazing herd. (Long distance spotting scope.) The wolf would belly crawl up towards a group with a calf and try and get close. Mama’d get mad, there’d be some re-shuffling and the wolf would be run off. He must have tried 5-6 times while we watched. Finally, a group of 4-5 adults (we guessed males) formed uo and charged. They ran him off and then kept a picket line between his last known location and the herd. I do remember thinking, as I watched the big guys rumble into seriously angry action that they weren’t a group I’d want to be in front of. They were impressive.

My other bison story, from the same trip, was having to stop the minivan and wait for a herd to pass. Sitting there in the driver’s seat it seemed like the bison were big enough to tip the vehicle if they had a mind to. Large animals. So we sat and waited, while they strolled. From the back seat my son piped up, “Mama don’t hurt the bison.” I wasn’t worried about me running over a bison. I was much more worried about them running over us! (It was adorable though.)

I was thinking grill myself when I saw that.
Wife’s cousin raises buffalo on their farm. We’ve had it a few times. To me it is a stronger beef flavor like the difference between bell peppers and chilies with venison being jalapenos on the scale of meat intensity.

I agree with you but I didn’t want to be shouted down for using the wrong term. I don’t know why two animals can’t have similar names.



I used to live in Wyoming and you haven’t heard/seen the half of it. It’s only the dead ones that end up on the news or the yahoos who put the calf in their car. But it happens every day out there in one way or another.

Tourists seem to think Yellowstone is Disney World with mountains. I have personally watched people send their young children out to pet the Buffalo while they take a picture.

I have seen grown men, fluent in English, read a sign that says, “Caution Boiling Water” and then crouch down and put their hand in a hot spring.

There are signs everywhere to keep your pets on a leash for their own safety. Yet every year several pets perish in the park due to falling into thermal features or getting eaten by predators, etc.

They couldn’t be more proactive about warning people of the dangers but stupid people gonna stupid and you can’t always protect them from themselves.

How about putting the tourists in harnesses, and have rangers hold onto the leashes to keep them from harming themselves or the flora and fauna?

Authorities tell you to stay in your car if bison are nearby, but they don’t really tell you what to do if you’re on a motorcycle.

As for hippos, they’re major assholes. Depending on who you’re citing, they kill as many Africans as (or more Africans than) crocodiles.

As a longtime Urbanite, this is my basic attitude towards Nature:

There are herds of bison on Catalina Island, brought there as part of a film shoot in the '20s and left there afterwards; they prospered and are now part of the draw of the island.

We were camping there once when I was young, at Little Harbor I think. Woke up, opened my tent, and there was a bison maybe 20 feet away. It was enormous.

I carefully closed the tent and stayed there till the herd drifted away.

:smiley: The deep wilderness is best enjoyed when accompanied by a field kitchen and armed guides in a convoy of Land Rovers in constant radio contact with home base.
Then again we urbanites have our own foolhardy phases. In my 20s I’d regularly walk down the street in Baltimore at 2am armed with nothing but my wits…

Maybe you should get some of the more conscientious bison to put patronizing stickers on their rear ends to warn other bison to watch for motorcycles.

Not from the city by local definitions. Big village.

Actually, they always and without fault tap into people’s fear of being alone. Every horror story taps into that, no matter what the landscape is. It’s always in a place where nobody can hear them scream and where obtaining help will involve either a long trek or a maze. Even the gorey “virus turns people into zombies” genre begins with a building full of people where after a few minutes the protagonist group is alone in the sense of being the only humans left; everybody else has turned into a bitey, chompy monster. And then they start playing “ten little indians”, so the protagonists are more and more alooooooone…

OP, you do know that the person who put the bison in his car wasn’t ‘city folk,’ right?

I’m a city feller, and this is what I think.

You’ve heard of the Cape Buffalo? Well, Bison have enough fashion sense to not be seen wearing a cape in public. What they do in private is none of my concern.

How much fashion sense can they possibly have and still walk around with shit on their feet?


The latest bison misadventure. These are big and potentially dangerous wild animals, people!

“The incident is under investigation.”

If any charges are filed, hopefully they’ll be against the tourists, not the bison.

And she has died, according to CNN. It’s not that much fun to go to the park in the summer because people are such idiots.

I’d appreciate dinner and drinks, first.