City of LA... thou fucketh it up!

And they wonder WHY we don’t use public transportation in LA…!

Tonight I went to the Hollywood Bowl, and given the price of parking, the extreme inconvenience of being stack parked with thousands of other cars, and the deluge of traffic on Highland before and after Bowl concerts, I decided to use the Bowlbus shuttle (Park and Ride thing). For $3, I could ride from the Hollywood and Highland center, one mile north to the Bowl. As we’re riding, the kid at the front of the aging and filthy bus explains exactly how to get where the busses will be parked, and holds up a sign he says will be in the front of the bus, as well as being held up by helpful people in the bus area.

So after the show, we follow directions to a tee, only to find out that our busses are in fact parked ACROSS the street we just took a crowded tunnel under. We get across the street (that street being the aforementioned trafficky Highland), to find absolute chaos. When we finally track down somebody working the park and ride, she tells us our bus is at the far end. We walk to the far end to find a line… for a different bus. Oh, and nobody who works there to give us further directions. Nobody holding signs either. When they get it all straightened out (and after looking at us like we’re idiots - despite the fact that there were SEVERAL groups looking for this same bus) They “call another” bus to come get “the rest of” us. Bus arrives… still no sign. In fact, the last time I saw a sign for OUR bus, was the first time it was shown - by the first kid, the one who gave us the wrong directions in the first place!

It’s damn near midnight when we FINALLY get back to Hollywood and Highland to walk to our car (we sure as hell weren’t paying $2 every 20 minutes to park THERE!)

My friend and I discussed the matter and determined that future Bowl visits will be done by parking a car in the parking lot. Even if the city doesn’t want us to. Because the city can’t handle public transportation.

…And they wonder why people in LA won’t use the busses.

Sigh. When are people going to get this straight?

I fuck.
Thou fuckest.
He, she, or it fucketh.
We fuck.
Ye fuck.
They fuck.

Other than that, I fully agree :slight_smile:

Los Angeles mass transit is an oxymoron.

I don’t believe the Bowl shuttles are run by LA. Also, in all the many times I’ve taken the Bowl shuttles, they’ve always told us not to take the tunnel, and have always been holding signs. I dunno, mebbe you got a new crew or somethin’.

Perhaps you should try the shuttles which leave from the LA Zoo parking lot?

Other’n that and the correction that Fretful Porpentine beat me to, I’ll agree wholeheartedly that LA “public” assportation sucks.