Clarification request, re: Rules about changing text within quote tags

I was never confused about this rule until today. Twickster’s comments which have never been mentioned by any other mod including herself when the subject came up previously contradict everything I thought I understood.

In the thread Czarcasm linked to earlier, three mods including Twickster weighed in with identical interpretations of the rule which is that you can put anything you want inside of quotation marks - even if it is a deliberate misrepresentation of something another poster wrote, but that you can never, ever, alter the text within a quotebox even if it is an obvious parody or meant only in jest.

In this more recent thread a poster was upset that their words were misreprestented inside of quotation marks. While no mod ever answered them, other posters advised them that this was allowed because it was not done inside of a quote box. Colibri closed the thread because it was getting adversarial but indicated, indirectly at least. that the correct answer had been given to the OP.

Since the thread has been closed it is a hassle to take quotes from it, but I will put the pertinent remarks inside generic quote boxes, unaltered.

I don’t have time to find them all now, but I know there have been many other threads that echoed this one basic rule - never edit the text inside a quote box, do whatever you want inside quotation marks, italics, etc.

But today Twickster has completely contradicted what I thought I had understood so clearly (even from her own previous comments on the subject)

This is the first and only time I have ever understood a mod to be saying that it is not permitted to do whatever you want with someone’s quote inside of quotation marks or other means of quoting besides quote boxes (italics, etc.). Even when posters have opened up ATMB threads specifically to complain that their words were changed inside quotation marks by another poster, they were told that is permitted as long as they didn’t use a quote box.

So it would be nice if a PTB could clarify as I think this new interpretation of the rule is broken quite regularly around here if it is valid.