Somewhat inspired by the recent thread on weight loss and somewhat inspired by my own curiosity-- I have thought of a few things that, to me, are on the borderline of “asking for medical advice”, which is not allowed. (And I can see why it is not allowed, I’m not arguing that point.)
Even though I’m not personally interested in participating in them: weight loss advice threads where the goals fall within what most expert type people would consider healthy (1-2 lbs per week as opposed to 10 lbs per week)-- OK or no? I’m guessing that “Poster, you ought to do X in order to lose weight” is a no-no, but what about “I did X and it worked for me”?
A while back, I had a thread about my painful kidney infection. I wasn’t asking anyone’s advice on how to treat it (I went to my doctor), but I did ask for advice on home remedies to help me feel more comfortable while I followed my doctor’s medical advice. Is this type of thing still OK?
I was thinking of starting a thread to ask advice on what time of day would be the best to take a prescription medication. Not what prescription I should take, but if when I take the prescription I already have would make a difference. Is this sort of thing OK?