I felt it is a wasted opportunity, and that the movie is just a half-ass attempt. The whole show felt it was written by three or four different writers without consulting each other. Plot points are left hanging in the air and resolved at the last minute.
The biggest problem is that there are so many plot points but so little development. The ragtag of soldiers following Perseus are faceless individual, and the attempt to follow war movies just fall flat.
Then there are is the prophecy “You will die, Perseus!” My friend burst out laughing at this point, because everyone will eventually die. But I was more concerned with that at no point in movie, was Perseus in any threat of dying. The Scorpion King has a scene where the sorceress peered into the future and actually saw the lead dying, and later in the movie, he was in the very same situation; but of course the vision is about something else all together, not about the Scorpion King dying.
Perseus’ step-father is also another undeveloped point (it also begs the question if Hades want Perseus dead so badly, why don’t he just kill him in person?). It felt like a way to add a flesh and blood antagonist to the movie.
Not to mention the hunters that follow the group. What did they do is anything remotely significantly? The scorpion shield given to Perseus broke while fighting with the Medusa. The script could have asked for anything type of shield there. Worse, we don’t even get to see how good the shield was.
The Jin, or Djinn sorcerer is another plot point, and a lame attempt to send the message “we must put aside our difference and work together towards a common goal”. That the whole troop of Djinn left after the prophecy is mind blowing; that the sorcerer self-destructed is another…“why”? Maybe they are trying to go for a Saving Private Ryan feel. It just feels meaningless.
Who was that random lady besides the princess at the balcony scene anyway?
Io. Why was she watching Persus growing up?
Anyway, my biggest complain. Sam Worthington is better off as a marine or a in a modern/science-fic show. I cannot suspend my disbelief because he doesn’t look the part, at all. I always imagine Greek heroes to have flowing golden hair, tall slender body yet musclar, magificently handsome and with a bronze tan. That guy looked more like a time-traveler.
The pacing is also disjoint. I know that the old show have such sequences, but there is no sense of flow, contunity here. I can’t remember the scenes, but I was bored half-way.
The most WTF moment is when Io was stabbed behind. At the angle she was sitting. Yes, it was the last thing I was expecting, but “send in the ninjas!” doesn’t work all the time.