"Class warfare" has a legitimate place in American political/electoral discourse

[ Moderating ]

My, my. Isn’t THIS thread off to a great start?

I seriously hope that everyone’s bile ducts have been cleared and that there will be a lot less bile flooding into this thread.

And, while the rule is and remains, “attack the argument, not the poster,” the number of times that “arguments” have been dismissed as stupid or fecal or that named and unnamed persons have been called stupid (presumably on the grounds that they do not post here, despite the fact that they were called stupid for holding opinions congruent with opinions expressed by posters), has now reached critical mass.

In this thread, we do not need to see any more statements regarding stupidity, lest we lead our fellow posters into intemperate responses.
Everyone remains free to express their opinion (suitably supported by citations, of course), that one view or another is in error, but the insults allegedly directed toward arguments (or directed toward non-posters representing the views of posters) are now off limits in this thread.

Behave yourselves.

[ /Moderating ]