I was just browsing Amazon.at after finding the particular CD I wanted. I thought I might try to find some books to buy to bump my order up to 20 euros so the shipping is free.
Problem is, all the names of the authors are meaningless to me. I mean, when you see a book’s written by Stephen King, you know what to expect. But what about when the books written by Bernard Schlink?
So, who would you suggest? I’m looking in the line of horror like Stephen King or HP Lovecraft.
The only “classic” authors that I can think of that are close are Kleist (Heinrich v.) or E.T.A. Hoffmann, but they’re more fantasy than horror. I don’t think they’re quite what you’re looking for.
Sorry that this doesn’t really help, but out of curiousity, I tried to test Amazon’s own recommendations.
I went there and searched for items related to Lovecraft’s “At the Mountains of Madness” (the German edition), but it only yielded more translations of Lovecraft, plus a few critical works. So I tried the “loosely related” and it gave me such results as “The Blues Brothers” , “The Black Hole” (Disney movie), “Monsters, Inc.”, and “Eight-Legged Freaks” (German title “Arac Attack : Angriff der achtbeinigen Monster”).
If all else fails, you can pick up English books there too.