Climate change is not the immediate threat facing us today

Let me first throw one back at you, moron. Please explain exactly what it is that “you didn’t understand any of it” refers to. I’ve been familiar with Milankovitch cycles since I started writing about climate change decades ago. Fuck off with accusations of “googling” every time I contradict one of you asinine posts.

“Why” these cycles happen is not the same discussion as the fact that they happen, and their hypothesized contribution to long-term climate change, and most importantly, their total irrelevance to anthropogenic climate change (because things that happen on a scale of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years are irrelevant in the scale of human-caused GHG emissions).

Oh, and as for “explaining” changes in axial tilt, is it your impression that the earth’s ecliptic plane is a constant that never changes? Because it isn’t.